Social tourism

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Gone Mobile. Hotel Marketing in the Mobile World
Hotel Marketing in the Mobile. Avere un sito Mobile per un albergo..cosa cambia? Web marketing turistico
Travel Marketing & Today’s Socially Connected, Tech Savvy Consumer [Infographic]
Great infographic about travelers' behavior patterns both before during and after they travel - cosa fanno i turisti prima durante e dopo la #vacanza ?
Cómo crear una web móvil correcta para un hotel #infografia #infographic #internet #tourism - TICs y Formación
Il sito del vostro hotel ha una versione mobile che rispecchia tutti questi requisiti? #webmarketingturistico
Naked truth about online hotel reviews [INFOGRAPHIC] - tnooz
Interesante inforgrafía de la interaccion de los turistas con las redes sociales que califican a los establecimientos turísticos...
Fast Food Loves Facebook: Restaurant Chains on Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]
Social Media: "Unmetric collects data based on brands’ behavior allowing us to see how they measure up against each other. . . social media provides a new opportunity to directly engage with fans and seek out a competitive edge.” Facebook interactions tend to increase on Thursday, while Twitter peaks during the evening commute. And while McDona
26% of People Order Fast Food Online [INFOGRAPHIC]
#FridayFunFact2: A beautiful infographic with some fun data about #restaurants and mobile and online technology.
Blog | Web Design & Web Development | Wired Media
[infographic] "An Insight into the Mobile Hotel Industry" Jul-2012 by @wiredmedia - Statistics about Mobile Travel: search, use and Bookings #mobilebookings #hotel #infographic
Why Restaurants Are Moving to Connected Media and Mobile Apps /via @LindyAsimus
#Reviews , Revenue and the Reputation Machine #infographic - la buona reputazione porta business
Ifop Opinion on Twitter
Les expériences désagréables dans la restauration : les situations les plus fréquentes (Ifop / @ouestfrancefr )
In October 2012, we analyzed the Twitter accounts of 50 Detroit-area restaurants. This infographic reveals how they performed. Read the full story on our website.
Hotel Booking Site Tingo Gives Refunds After Price Drops
Smarter Travel Media, a subsidiary of TripAdvisor shows how Tingo gets you your money back
BookingSuite » Power your property with tools from the Internet’s smartest resource for accommodations.
[infographic] SEO vs SEM for Hotels Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Marketing fot Hotel