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Pinterest Gambischer Erdnusseintopf Rezept Sarah Tardy
32M views · 99K reactions | Trinidadian Roti | Have you every had Trinidadian food? This homemade Trinidadian Roti from Caity and her mom is AMAZING! 🌟 FULL RECIPE:... | By Tasty | mommy stopped eating it oh my god this is so good my name is Katie and I'm here gonna teach you how to make Trinidadian with my beautiful mom Carol I know we're roti or we like to call bus up shot and it's a flatbread well bus up shop read different fillings roti basically is an Indian type of roti that they break apart and it's very much hands you can see some other deviation eaten by hands we need everything by to it because it's all about texture do crunchy you know it depends on what you want it softer you wanted a little you're looking to do for the Caribbean melt-in-your-mouth kind of roti people they love a soft I do sometimes we're gonna do the some people put milk a little oil which traditional so it's a traditional technique where when it's time to actually roll the roti we'll have a layer of butter in the center how good roti has good bread you will fail if your roti isn't moist this is called food that we create out of dry codfish sawfish bull joy which is a Caribbean and lots of vegetables in the Caribbean you know it's very hot so a lot of our foods are either highly seasoned and that they can last we just clean it debone it boil it and wash it several spiced or the fish itself it's cured so sawfish which we washed and coats and times so we're going to put in the whole fish so I had to learn how to make cleans I'm super obsessed with this it immediately because it was like there's something called the green lunch and dinner which I don't advise something I tried to eat for breakfast to marinate the food it's a process that seasoning they could remain people used fresh when you blend it it goes right we use to make sure that the meat stay into the chicken but then you use less concentrated I like the chunks because when you're eating you're getting the because you're using it more chicken coconut trees are all over anyways we're making curry coconut veggies everything is going to disappear Trinidad so we've made coconut oil to our here and our we have always drank the coconut water so you'll find it in the food if you are making a dish from a specific region a Caribbean curry opposed to a Madras when it comes to certain by let's try to get it from that region you want to get curry this way it stays in line with the flavor you're trying to create I find that when I am preparing food it takes me back to connecting with my mother I parents I think all Caribbean people they do because there's no one to do it know how to cook it's just something could feel the connection with my for you and it's the way you just entertain it's always over food if you have children there's always that one house that all the kids would go to and that's usually the one with the mom that feed them it was eight of us the girls takes care of all of the kids so I'll chauvinistic I didn't know we were doing sustainable living I just know we had always had to learn to cook very our own chickens we had a lot of property so we ate everything that we raised all group I've actually never helped my mom make roti I've helped her make bake another kinds of bread if I'm even on a diet I will stop because roti and Bing are like my favorite breads of all time Caribbean people are very video and say oh no that's wrong it's a traditional I mean they may look at my make it the end of the day it still has lot of little tricks and however you to taste good like your food you should be able to hmm I think that's perfect
Trinidadian Roti
Kartoffel-Couscous-Taler mit Gurkensalat & Dill • veggies | vegan
Ihr glaubt gar nicht, wie ungeduldig ich im Moment bin. Das Erscheinen meines Kochbuchs VEGAN WITH LOVE hat sich aufgrund eines fiesen, kleinen Fehlers im Inhaltsverzeichnis ein bisserl verschoben und nun zähle ich die Tage, bis ich das Baby ENDLICH an Euch verschicken kann. Da werden 10 Tage schnell mal zu einer kleinen Unendlichkeit. Seufz! Kommenden Freitag ist es endlich soweit und ich werde die ersten Bücher signieren und versenden können. Ich würde mich natürlich wahnsinnig freuen, wenn...
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