
14 Pins
Messy Play: Mixing colours with shaving cream
Easy Messy Play – Mixing Colours with Shaving Cream.
A Friday Night In
This is awesome! Movement and art. Talk about how God made our bodies special to do unique movements. He also made our minds special to leave a mark in the world. Have students plan a series of movements and mark making techniques they will preform onto craft paper. Concider having them overlap to show how the things we do, decision we make, and actions we take effect the overall picture of life.
For fine motor, motor control and sensory input. Take shampoo with some color and put it in a large ziplock with a bead. Put a maze to the child's level under and ask them to push the bead through the maze without going outside the lines. Www.Facebook.com/OTforKids
Finger Twister
Finger Twister: Fine Motor, dexterity, and finger isolation activities
Dicas de brincadeiras inclusivas, atividades de coordenação motora, táteis e sensoriais da Terapeuta Ocupacional Johanna Cordeiro Melo Franco
a lot of interesting activities for digital force
Montessori selbst gemacht ...
Feinmotorik: Tennisball füttern! Tennisball mit Augen, Löffel (Pinzette), Schüssel, Füttermaterial (z.B. Bohnen) und los geht's! Nicht vergessen, zum Schluss auch wiede zurückfüllen lassen ;-)