Wayne Visser Daily Quotes

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Only when material possessions loose their power over us will we have gained our true freedom ~ Wayne Visser
Truthfully, we are all struggling along, doing our best, trying to make sense of this puzzle called life ~ Wayne Visser
We are all driven by the same need - to seek, in our own way, and to find meaning in this crazy life ~ Wayne Visser
Life is in the living - and who better to live your life than you? ~ Wayne Visser
We guide ourselves; we teach ourselves; and we relearn what we have forgotten ~ Wayne Visser
If you want to help someone, remind them that they have the means to the end they seek ~ Wayne Visser
Others may walk with you in life, but they cannot live your adventures ~ Wayne Visser
You have all the resources you need to seek out and to find your own way through life ~ Wayne Visser
On life's journey, no one else can tread your path - only you can ~ Wayne Visser
Take away a person’s hope and they die ~ Wayne Visser
It often seems that life leads us where we need to go and presents us only with what we're ready for ~ Wayne Visser
Seek out those experiences which give meaning to life; then you will not leave this life unfulfilled ~ Wayne Visser
We all have within us a secret performer or entertainer - and if we're really lucky, it's a clown ~ Wayne Visser
Life is meant to be instructive & entertaining at the same time; never forsake one for the other ~ Wayne Visser