
54 Pins
一车多用!能变出多种造型的推车:Erovr – 爱…稀奇~{新鲜:科技:创意:有趣}
Weird, cool, and crazy furniture
sectional sofa bed - has to be more comfortable than the sagfest that is the traditional sofa bed.
把你家的五四三玩意兒都變成桌子,SNAP 彈性桌腳夾 | 大人物 - 86452
巧趣Quirky POP電源延長線(六插) PIVOT POWER POP-白 - PChome 24h購物
巧趣Quirky POP電源延長線(六插) PIVOT POWER POP-白 - PChome線上購物 - 24h 購物
小收集大妙用,紙膠迷們再買一捲的好理由~ | 大人物 - 86213
小收集大妙用,紙膠迷們再買一捲的好理由~ | 大人物
夢幻豪華版居家旅行車 Mercedes-Benz「Marco Polo」 | 大人物 - 86328
夢幻豪華版居家旅行車 Mercedes-Benz「Marco Polo」 | 大人物
指尖上的酒鬼之鑰,PiCO 迷你開瓶器 | 大人物 - 86231
DesignTAXI Community: Creative Connections, Conversations and Collaborations
Niko Klansek (New York) has created LLSTOL, a multi-purpose piece of furniture consisting of 2 pieces of L-shaped plywood, that can be ‘locked’ at the grooves & transformed into a lounge chair, bookshelf, drawing board, rest support, coffee table or bench. Easily stacked for storage & transportation.
3300英尺长的桌面,够你写写画画“一辈子” – 爱…稀奇~{新鲜:科技:创意:有趣}