
643 Pins
Visual Exercise 2
Visual exercise 2 is about making 30 stamps in 30 days. I of course said "What!" I'm not waiting 30 days. There was another option of 6 a da...
Adventures in Arting Podcast: Carve December 2016 & More
DIY // stamps // Lesezeichen // stempeln
Extra Large Circle Carved Stamp
Just playing around with the extra large stamp and this is what I came up with. Another great background stamp.
#1 of 100 Hand Carved Stamps by Sarah Kathryn of Creatiate #100HandCarvedStamps
Eraser stamps. Consulta esta foto de Instagram
Jeannemcgee's Blog
I like the idea of printing over pre-printed fabric. cool.
Catching up on#carvedecember with some more mark makers. #artjournaling #mixedmedia #stampcarving #carvedecember #markmakingmakesmehappy
DIY wooden texture stamps for kids - Mother Natured
Kids Nature Crafts: DIY wooden Texture Stamps - Easy to make!
Art Activities for kids : Rolling Pin Yarn Prints – Fun Littles
Kunstvolle #Drucke auf einfache Art und mit Freude kreiert art activities for kids with rolling yarn
Un blog sur la mode et le style de vie
Tutoriel EllyBeth: DIY | Un tapis de bain
Nähen & Handarbeit - Etsy.de
DIY-Nähanleitung für Ofenhandschuhe, Nähen für die Küche / sew your own cooking gloves, sewing ideas kitchen via DaWanda.com