Digital Storytelling

212 Pins
... - a grouped images picture
A great example of Personas for Disney which do a great job of presenting the background and context prior to delving into the specific details.
Celtic Explorations Annual Report by Jake Lim | Inspiration Grid
Celtic Explorations Annual Report by Jake Lim | Inspiration Grid | Design Inspiration
... - a grouped images picture
#disney persona
Wise words on the massive difference between UX and UI from Erik Flowers.
Unstuck - Home
Unstuck iPad app - How to live better every day - Unstuck
Autokauf im Internet: Mercedes, BMW und Audi gehen online
Autokauf im Internet: Mercedes, BMW und Audi gehen online - Auto & Mobil - Sü
Example: Shop For Groceries On Train Platforms From Virtual Grocery Displays [My Ideal City]
A Closer Look At The Virtual Grocery Display Trend [My Ideal City]