URIMAT Übersicht

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Die Glaubensfrage? - Mit oder ohne?
Mit oder ohne? 💦 Jeden Tag spülen wir Millionen Liter Trinkwasser die Toilette runter – muss das sein? 🚽 Wasserlose Urinale zeigen, wie’s nachhaltiger geht: Weniger CO₂, keine Wasserverschwendung, geringere Kosten. Was denkt ihr? #Nachhaltigkeit oder #Gewohnheit? 🌍 #Wassersparen #FacilityManagement #Umweltschutz
URIMAT S-Trap technology for all kind of urinals
Can the URIMAT waterless urinal trap technology also be used with other urinals? In principle yes! It only requires a model-specific adapter that can accommodate the MB-ActiveTrap type S. With this adapter, conversion is simple and inexpensive. With the adapter, almost 99% of all urinals can benefit from our membrane odour trap and ensure trouble-free operation. You can find out how this works from us... #urimat #odourtrap #urinals
URIMATwaterlessurinal on TikTok
Did you know that more than 800 million people use TikTok? And that the users are mainly from Generation Z? According to the Deloitte Global Millennial Survey from 2020, the majority of Millennials (people born between January 1983 and December 1994) and Generation Z have changed their behaviour in favour of the environment, which is good. These both Generations are our future and will have to cope with tremendous issues to save our world. How to address Generation Z and through which channel?
Fass meine Seife nicht an!
Fass meine Seife nicht an! Kennt Ihr diesen Satz? Genauso kann es klingen, wenn Ihr das erste Mal die modulare und berührungslose Waschtischeinheit verwendet. FX-M ist eine Waschplatzeinheit der Zukunft, die berührungslos und vollautomatisch arbeitet. Ihr müsst lediglich die Hände unter die Sensoren halten, um den Waschprozess mit Seife zu starten und anschliessend die Hände zu trocknen.
Assembling of waterless ceramic urinal
Do you want to know how a waterless urinal is assembled? Our two production workers, Aldo and Hugo, both from Argentina, have many years of experience in assembling waterless urinals. After checking the quality of the goods we receive, they waste no time assembling the high-tech plastic urinals for each incoming order. URIMAT production principles are simple and follow our LEAN culture to ensure the shortest assembly times, the highest quality, and to make things better every day.
Google's water saving targets
Did you know that Google’s target is to replenish 120% of the water they consume, on average, by 2030 ? A future possibility would be to replace all existing water-flushed urinals with waterless technology worldwide in Google locations. With around 140'000 Google employees with estimated 50% male employess which use the urinal at least 2-3 times a day (with an average waterflush of 2l/flush), that would save 280'000l water per day or 67'200’000l per year (when calculated with 240 working days).
Werben ohne Streuverluste
Ein Werbemedium, bei dem Zielgruppe klar ist? Gibt es das? Ein Werbemedium, bei dem der Betrachter nicht "wegzappen" kann? Gibt es das? Ein Werbemedium, bei dem der Betrachter sich nach dem Anschauen an 90% der Werbebotschaft erinnert? Gibt es das? Ja, ... probieren Sie es aus. Mehr Infos im Link #urimat #dooh #werbemittel #userexperiences
How much money can you save...?
How much money can you save in your restroom? It is always and everywhere a matter of costs… ..but many people do not think of cost-saving opportunities in their restrooms. A very simple online-calculation tool will help you to analyse your cost saving potential in restrooms when installing waterless urinals. And additionally you receive also a result on the quantities water saved and CO2 reduction potential. It is so easy and obvious.
Tottenham Hotspur goes green
Did you know that the Tottenham Hotspur Football Club is the Premier League’s Greenest Club? The Club is dedicated to minimising the environmental impacts of its activities across all operations. They are not only saving millions liters of water using more than 800 pcs. of waterless urinals, but also look at other topics of their five main core objectives. They identify locally and sustainably sourced food options to cater for various dietary requirements, including plant-based food options.
Production suooprt at URIMAT
The current situation is for any company a challenge. In the future companies will focus more on short transport routes and transport times ; going regional or even local in supply chains than going international. When the products finally reach our company, we want to satisfy our customer demands as quick as possible. To fulfill all our customer orders and assure short delivery times, our whole team supports the production at the moment to satisfy our customer needs.
FAQ on waterless urinals
You have questions regarding waterless technologies and you could not find the answer? «Sharing is caring» is our motto and due to this we are happy to share as much information as we can on our FAQ-website section, but we also need your help. Anything you are curious about waterless urinals or waterless technolgies? Any question will help us to increase the knowledge of everyone concering sustainable restroom technology. Interested in the FAQs ?
Did you know that a waterless urinal saves 100’000l of water per year?
What can you do with this amount of water saved? - You can drink water for 40'000 days when in average an adult drinks 2.5l a day - You can produce 21 kg of porce meat (1kg needs around 4’730l of water) - 20 kg of cheese can produced, as 5’000l of water is used for 1 kg of cheese - 5kg of coffee can be gained with the water saved by using one waterless urinal - And for Switzerland very important, the Swiss chocolate: 3.7 kg of cacao can be produced with the water used for flushing urinals