I can draw

37 Pins
This mornings Sketch dook..
This mornings Sketch dook..Taking my new Wacom Mobile Studio Pro 16 thru its paces.. Keep on keepin on!
The Dot a Creative Drawing Prompt - Kids STEAM Lab
Creative Kids Drawing Activity to help promote creative thinking. #handmadekidsart #kidsdrawing
Picture Rubric
In the beginning of the year I set a lot of expectations. One of the tools I use is a picture rubric to show what I expect when it comes to drawing.
How to draw
Blue Tadpole Studio - Great "how to draw" site. Breaks objects into simple drawing steps. Fun for young and old alike!
Tie Dye
Teach the kids how to draw a person the first week of school to avoid stick people throughout the year!
What is he catching? CreKid.com - Creative Drawing Printouts - Spark your child's imagination and creativity. So much more than just a coloring page. Preschool - Pre K - Kindergarten - 1st Grade - 2nd Grade - 3rd Grade. www.crekid.com
How To Draw A Cartoon Sheep That Looks Adorable
How to draw cartoon sheep