313 Pins
Дайвер создаёт подводный мир из пряжи: Идеи и вдохновение в журнале Ярмарки Мастеров
Дайвер создаёт подводный мир из пряжи, фото № 9
Un falso cabecero pintado en la pared · A painted headboard - Vintage & Chic. Pequeñas historias de decoración
Retomo hoy los DIY de los jueves con este falso y a la vez originalísimo cabecero pintado directamente en la pared. Una forma sencilla y muy económica de dar un toque absolutamente único a tu dormitorio. Además, si como es mi caso, tienes poco espacio entre el final de la cama y la pared de …
Global Chic Stenciling: A Tribal Furniture Transformation
Global Chic Stenciling: DIY Tribal Furniture Transformation using Royal Design Studio Tribal Batik Furniture Stencils
Beton Kerzenständer - DIY Anleitung für ein Drachenei Windlicht mit Teelicht oder Kerze 🔨🎨✨
Wir haben aus Beton wunderschöne Kerzenhalter gemacht - diese geheimnisvoll schimmernden Dracheneier! #diy #kerzen #beton #drachenei #dracheneier #anleitung #selbermachen #selbst #basteln #ostern
DIY-Inspirationen für ein schönes Zuhause
Do It Yourself | COUCH – DAS ERSTE WOHN & FASHION MAGAZIN Ook magazine holder om zelf te maken
DIY Custom Door Knobs
These epoxy knobs are gorgeous! They can also be used for hooks. #epoxy #epoxyresin
Awesomeness round-up
Libelle basteln aus Naturmaterial. Basteln aus Natur. Natur Bastelideen. Libelle aus Samen und kleinem Ast/Zweig.
Macrame Hurricane, Macrame Vase, Macrame Jar, Macrame Candle Holder - Etsy
5.25 tall x 4 wide with 3 opening glass jar covered with handmade macrame. Add some sand and a candle & it becomes the perfect bohemian candle holder. Fill it with flowers for a unique vase. Group several together for a table centerpiece. Great for weddin
DIY & Food Blog mit kreativen Ideen zum Basteln und Selbermachen : DIY Feenglas Tinkerbell / Peter Pan ganz einfach selber machen
DIY Feenglas Tinkerbell und Peter Pan: DIY, Basteln, Selbermachen, Upcycling, Once Upon A Time, Einmachgläser, Geschenke, Geschenkidee, Deko, Dekoration, Feenglas, Teelichter...
Before and After: 10 of the Best Small-Space Outdoor Makeovers We’ve Ever Seen
This is beautiful time of year. It's bearable to be outside, and, so, suddenly, all you want to do is be outside. If the unusually temperate weather has got you thinking about improving your outdoor space, we've got ten projects that will help you make the most of your patio, balcony, or backyard.
A Quick Guide To 2017 Home Décor Trends
DIY Indigo Wall Art With Framed Fabric. DIY Indigo Wall Art With Framed Fabric. No staples - No glue - Just wrap fabric like a gift and secure with good ole shipping tape helped to fasten down the wrapped fabric on the back of the cardboard backing. #DIYIndigoWallArtFramedFabric #DIYWallArtFramedFabric #DIY #WallArt #FramedFabric Source: Focal Point Styling.