Essential Homemade Remedies

Homemade products for body and home
482 Pins
30 Best Homemade Body Scrubs {Easy DIY Scrubs for Smoother Skin}- A Spectacled Owl
30+ Homemade Body Scrubs
An Awesome Chart Of Aromatherapy To Boost Your Mood!
I love simple & informative charts! Check out this one from Dana Claudat! How To Feng Shui & Change Your Life | The Tao of Dana
The 11 Best Homemade Lotion Recipes | The Eleven Best
Banish dry skin for good with these homemade lotion recipes. All of the recipes are easy to make and work great to get rid of dry skin. The best part: most only require a few ingredients.
How to clean and recycle old Essential Oil Bottles, with ingredients most have at home.
DIY Green Tea Sugar Scrub: How to Make a Natural Skin Exfoliator at Ho
Green tea sugar scrub! Use green tea as a body scrub, natural body scrub with a natural remedy for fighting cellulite and remoing toxins.
List of Carrier Oils and Their Benefits + Free Printable PDF Chart
List of Carrier Oils and Their Benefits | Everything Pretty
Vitamins Cheat Sheet: What They Do and Good Food Sources [Infographic] - LifeHack
DIY Detoxifying Body Scrub Recipe
So I love body scrubs. There’s just one problem though. Most of them are filled with toxic chemicals. Grrr…But wait! I do love a challenge, so this only meant one thing to me: I had to come up with my own detoxifying body scrub. Well guess what? I LOVE how it turned out!