L’emozione ha voce

11 Pins
Figure 4: First two layers of Parrot's emotion classification
They *forgot* one under “Joy”! ~ Thankfulness! First two layers of Parrot's emotion classification
15 Things Mindful People Do Differently
#MyVisualLife #LeilaFalzone Leila Falzone: Consulenza Organizzativa Risorse Umane Relazioni Sindacali Business Coach Formazione aziendale www.leilafalzone.it
The 'Emotion Chart' My Therapist Gave Me That I Didn't Know I Needed
The 'Emotion Chart' My Therapist Gave Me That I Didn't Know I Needed
The 'Emotion Chart' My Therapist Gave Me That I Didn't Know I Needed
Using a ‘Wheel of Emotions’ to Help Identify What You’re Feeling | The Mighty #anxiety #mentalhealth #mentalillness #emotions
Emotional equations
Comprendere cosa compone un'emozione aiuta ad averne migliore coscienza quindi a vivere bene
As an emotional person, the descriptions help. I often need to slow down, stop, and think about why I'm feeling the way I am to regain control.