
12 Pins
La folie des challenges Fitness - Trucs De Nana
Back flexibility stretches i'm gonna use this to improve acro stuff
30 Days & 30 Stretches to Splits! #JourneytoSplits (Blogilates: Fitness, Food, and lots of Pilates)
Hey guys! Introducing your brand new 30 day challenge for July! #JourneytoSplits. I’m going to teach you how to get into the side splits in just 1 month. This will be a VERY REWARDING journey, however
The Last Dancer | Dance Lifestyle Shop & Blog
Do you want to get into splits this year? Then start using my Splits Flow! I just uploaded it to my blog Practice it at least 3-4 times a week and take photos every few weeks to see how much you're progressing if you want to share use.
7 Steps to Align With Your Higher Self
Ballet Fitness - keep in shape ..[click the photo twice]..You should try this My ballet workout my teacher kept motivating me and now I'm a great dancer PLEASE FOLLOW ME FOR A FOLLOW BACK~
Expect More. Pay Less.
This is a good balanced dance workout! Will have to do this on the weekends this year. :)
The Last Dancer | Dance Lifestyle Shop & Blog
Umm if you want to be as flexible as this pic Id suggest more than 30 seconds Check out Dieting Digest
Yoga For Weight Loss - 50 Minute Fat Burning
Yoga For Weight Loss - 50 Minute Fat Burning