I'm starting to focus on what really matters

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You Matter!® Box - Home
There is freedom in forgiveness. Forgive yourself. You're doing the best you can. #youmatterbox #freedominforgiveness #forgiveyourself #mentalhealthawareness #itsokaytonotbeokay #beagoodhuman #bekind #youareimportant #youareloved #youmatter #subscriptionbox #subbox
Sua vida não é permanente. Você não está preso. Você tem escolhas, você é autorizado a crescer e mudar.
Keep going. Keep looking. Keep searching. You will find it. IF YOU HAVEN'T FOUND IT YET KEEP LOOKING. STEVE JOBS. // HQ Life By Design Personal Success Business Female Entrepreneur Coach Freedom Mindset Inspiration Goals Quote Level Up Woman Girl Power Powerful Time Management Blog Habits Hustle Dream BIG Believe Bold Passion Productivity Productive Time Management Daily Routine
‎Storyteller by MHN
Pursue wholeness over perfection. When you look in the mirror, make sure you’re looking at the whole picture. More than you notice the one thing you wish you could change, notice that you are a whole human being who has made it another day, by grace... {tap for more}