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Clip'nBun™- Nie wieder ein Bad-Hair-Day - immer Eleganz! - 14) Rot
*UPDATE: Aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage nach Clip'nBun™ ist der Bestand sehr begrenzt! Haargummi, Volumizer & Style-Accessoire in einem Sie wollen Ihr Haar aus dem Gesicht halten und trotzdem umwerfend aussehen? Mit Clip'nBun™ sieht es aus, als hätten Sie Stunden an Ihrer glamourösen und voluminösen Frisur gearbeitet! Entdecken Sie das Geheimnis der Hollywood-Promis! Kreieren Sie eine professionelle, wunderschöne Frisur in wenigen Sekunden! Sparen Sie Zeit, indem Sie es einfach an Ihrem Haar befes
Der ultimative Guide zu Kurze Bob Frisuren für Feines Haar: Entdecke Deinen Perfekten Look - Frisur Ideen
Der ultimative Guide zu Kurze Bob Frisuren für Feines Haar: Entdecke Deinen Perfekten Look - Frisur Ideen
Der ultimative Guide zu Kurze Bob Frisuren für Feines Haar: Entdecke Deinen Perfekten Look - Frisur Ideen
Der ultimative Guide zu Kurze Bob Frisuren für Feines Haar: Entdecke Deinen Perfekten Look - Frisur Ideen
Der ultimative Guide zu Kurze Bob Frisuren für Feines Haar: Entdecke Deinen Perfekten Look - Frisur Ideen
Der ultimative Guide zu Kurze Bob Frisuren für Feines Haar: Entdecke Deinen Perfekten Look - Frisur Ideen
Feines Haar kann eine Herausforderung sein, aber es birgt auch großartige Möglichkeiten für stilvolle Frisuren. Insbesondere kurze Bob Frisuren sind eine exzellente Wahl für dünnes Haar, da sie Struktur und Volumen schaffen, ohne das Haar zu beschweren. In diesem Blog-Post erfährst Du alles, was Du über kurze Bob Frisuren für feines Haar wissen musst. Wir
Le Cinq Tapered wand Shop the link —> Use the discount code FESTIVE | By WILD Tribe Style | Hello, hello, everybody. It is a day that is, I don't know, it seems like it's like dragon almost or not. I don't know. Anyways, I'm here because I'm going to be curling my hair you guys today with La Sync, Tapered Wand and you guys, basically, what this is, is this is the iron that comes with five different attachments. This is the tapered wand So, it is narrower and then it gets wider so it's going to give your curl a little bit different look. I went in, blow dried my hair. Actually, I showered last night, prepped my hair, did the things Um so, my pregame prep last night was the glaze hair lotion. You guys, this is one of my like ultimate faves all the time and then I mixed a little bit of the posh hair polish and then, this oil serum with it. These three products you guys, I mix them all three together. If you have super fine hair, I'm going to suggest maybe not using the oil serum because it is a little bit heavier. So, it's probably going to weigh your down. Not good for fine hair. But these two for sure you could definitely use. And then today, I didn't put I did not put dry shampoo in. Testing some different things out but I am going to go in with the Salt and Sea Spray you guys just because I am going to curl it and so this is going to just kind of help give me a little bit more texture to my hair. So, just lightly spritzing that through and then now, we're going to get started. So, my name is Kelly Pollet. For those of you that are new here and I'm kind of the creator around The Wild Tribe but if you guys have questions as I am going along, then, please let me know. I'm here to answer them as I going. But like I said I'm going to be using the La Sync the tapered wand attachment. The LaSync is awesome you guys because it comes with five different attachments. And so you know you can kind of create different curl. All the time. Let me show you actually. show you all the things. So, if you order the sink, you're going to get this awesome carrying case and then, everything fits. Make sure it's not upside down. Everything fits right in here. And I'll show you guys really quick all the different attachments. I'm just going to do this. Four and I didn't. But anyways, okay. So, these are the bigger ones here. These are the two biggest two. I tend to use because of the length of my hair. I tend to use this one the most. This is the smallest attachment. Because so you get three different just straight barrels. You get the tapered wand that I'm going to be using today. And then you are also going to get the bubble wand And. this one here you guys creates some like super crazy, fun, curly hair. So if you guys are interested in getting like the biggest bang for your buck then definitely recommend the La Sync because it comes with five different attachments. These four plus the tapered one that I'm going to be using today. And the amazing carrying case. Okay. Clear this out of the way. Let's get started. I have sectioned my hair. I did go in prior to this and I did just kind of flip out the ends of my hair. Just because they're kind of short to curl. So I just use my Le Rev flat iron for that. But I'm going to go in and just start curling this. So, you guys are tuning in. Let me know where you're tuning in from because I love knowing where you guys are coming at me from. That makes sense? I am in snowy Alberta, Canada. This morning, no, this afternoon, I guess it is. So, you guys, I'm just kind of wrapping this hair around it, leaving the ends about not getting too particular at the back here Just wrapping it around. One thing I do love about this LaSync wand is that it does have a temperature control. So, I have it set for 410 if you can see that. Um sometimes depending on what kind of curl I'm doing and stuff like that, you can set it at 390. If your hair is finer, I would say generally, three ninety to four Ten is where you want to be. Now as I'm picking up pieces of hair I would run I would say they're probably about a one by one section. I like more PC curly curls. So the smaller the section the curly you're going to get it. If you want bigger curls then take bigger sections. So, I see a few of you are watching. Let me know where you guys are at. What are you doing on Wednesday? all the things I'm going to hit up Costco this afternoon so that'll be fun. Hello, Cindy in Ontario. Thank you for tuning in. Okay, so I have a question for you guys. Do you have your Christmas trees up already? Because I do not. Partly because we do a live tree. And so it just doesn't work for us to do a tree in November because I'd probably have to put up another one because one the first one would probably die. And then well it would get super dry and it wouldn't be good because we have a wood. We have fireplace and stuff too. So Do you guys have your trees up? Do you have any Christmas decorations up? I'm going to maybe try to do some decorating this weekend. It's hard to say. First time ever catching you live just started following you. Hello. Hello. Mary from Dayton, Ohio. Go Bucks, she says. I love you can always tell like the hardcore like Hello, Michigan. Hello, Candy. You can always tell like the hardcore football fans. Or like just team fans in general because they're always like, go Alabama. Go Bucks, go whatever, wherever state you are. So, I love it. You guys, I love, love, the enthusiasm that you guys show. So, I'm using the sink wand and you guys, this has five different attachments. Um I did go in and showered last night, prepped my hair, let it mostly air dry, and then just kind of quickly blow dried it at the end just to kind of you know, activate those products. Cuz I have found if I just let my hair air dry after I put some products in it, it doesn't, I don't know, it almost seems like oily. Or something like I don't know what it is. But anyways. So I do like to activate some of those heat styling products with my blow dryer. and I'm just curling the back here Again, not doing like super crazy sectioning or getting real particular about this curl back here. I do always check the back though to make sure that I did get it all curled. because you don't want to have any like super straight pieces back there. So, if you guys are just tuning in, I did ask some of you. Let me know where you're tuning in from. and then, let me know if you have your Christmas decorating done yet because I see a ton of people that already have it. They're Christmas decorations up which I love. I gotta say, I love decorating my house for Christmas because I love the cozy feel that it gives my house. It always just feels like, you know, the lights and the I mean, we burn our fireplace lots. So, just with the fireplace and the lights and I it feels like you're in a movie every day. Mary, I love your necklace. Where did you get it? Okay. So, my necklaces, they are actually three different necklaces and they are from a company called Turquoise and Teepees. You can find them here on Facebook or you can find them on Instagram as well. So, this one here, these are the four millimeter Navajo pearls, these two here and then, this is called the link chain. This one is a choker length which is about 14 inches And then this link chain one is fifteen and then this one here is 18 inches. So if you guys are interested in those check out turquoise and teepees. Um I've had these necklaces for a few years. I never take them off. I sleep, shower, do all the things with them on. They do not tend to tarnish if you wear them all the time. Same with I have my silver bracelets you can kind of see here. So, I've had these silver bracelets that I wear all the time. Again, I never take them off. I sleep with them Um I've had them for probably I would say 20 years, the bracelets for sure and I've gotten them from different places. Most of them are from NFR. Which is the National Finals Rodeo. They have a huge trade show there. It's in Vegas and it is in a couple weeks. So, if you guys are checking it out, be sure to check out like all the booths for the silver bracelets. and yeah. Okay. So, going through, sectioning hair. Again, like I said before, if you'd missed it, I I'm using the tapered wand that goes on the sink. This La Sync come, it means five. That means it comes with five different attachments. But I am just going through and curling it. If you want bigger curls, then take bigger sections if you want more PC, curls, then take smaller sections like I am. Now, as I go around here in the front, I kind of hold it like straight out from my head. And as you can see with this tapered wand it, is smaller here and it gets bigger. So it's going to give you a little bit more very in your curls. But always curling away from my face. And then leaving the ends out a little bit. I kind of like vary the ends like how much I leave out. Just because I like the different like curl that it gives. And I don't know. Rule of thumb might kind of hold it there for like five seconds or so. So, if you guys have questions about the products I use or the tools or different things like that, then, please let me know if you have hair questions. I am here to answer them. If you guys are just tuning in for the first time, introduce yourself. Let me know where you're coming from. Like I said, I'm in Alberta. It's actually quite nice today. Yesterday was terrible. It was super windy. It was kind of rainy, kind of snowing. It was not a fun day. Today though, the sun is shining. We still have snow of course but it's not as bad. I was just outside actually moving some cows around. We got a doctor a couple calves. So, I was out there with the dogs. Gathering those up. So I had a two gone so that's why I came in and decided I was going to do this after I had to do that. Cos I don't want to wreck my curls to go to town. Hello, Bridget in Denver, Indiana. Hello, hello. So, hanging out, curling my hair. Again, you guys, I'm taking like one by one sections. Basically, it's kind of like the easiest way to describe the sectioning that I take. Hello, Julie from the United Kingdom. You guys, I love that I have people that that follow me from all over the world. I love that aspect of being on social media. Um Colette, my hair color is a it is a bleach wave. So, we use basically foil, bleach, and weave it throughout. So, if you're telling your hairdresser, that's what you tell em is you want to bleach weave and then, the toner is a pearly, silver, toner. But I do use on a regular basis. Which I'm going to record a video about. Um I use the L'ange. I use the detox cleansing shampoo first. And then I go in and I use the purple the violet purple toning shampoo. And then I use the purple toning mask. So I actually just did that last night on my hair. So it does help it keep that ashy look to it. So If you do have blonde hair, those violet shampoos and stuff are amazing. So, I'm just checking to make sure I have all the pieces curled. Which I don't. If you guys do not have a mirror to see the back of your hair you need to do that. See? Cuz you can see. And it is hard to see if I've curled everything in my little phone here. You're welcome, Colette. So, continuing you up sections and sections again You guys, I cannot stress enough how much it helps when you use like a good pregame program or products on your hair. And the other thing too because I wanted to do my hair curly today, I did not flat iron or do anything like that to my hair. I just kind of let it air dry, You know, most of the way and then I did use a blow dryer at the very end. Just to kind of, you know, help it a bit. But if you want your hair to hold, curl longer, do not flat iron it first and then go back in try to curl it because you've already kind of set it with that flat iron and so your hair is not going to hold as well if you flat iron it first. Okay? Um Bridget says my hair is cut similar to yours. A little shorter in layers. I would try to curl my hair with a wand. and straightener and I get so much frizz when I separate my curls. What do you suggest? Um Colette, what are you using for finishing products? What are you using on your hair before Is your hair naturally curly? So many questions for you right now. I was a hairstylist for 15 plus years. So, I kind of know what I'm talking about, I'll say. I don't always know but I like to try to think that I know what I'm talking it when it comes to hair. So, another thing too is once you curl your hair, you know, try not to manipulate it too much. Also, will help. But products, you guys, I will go through what I'm going to use. I'm going to use the Minaj Marula Oil Hydrating Mist. So, I'll spray this on my hands and then I'll kind of run my fingers through my hair with that and then, the other product I'm going to use is the Hero Gentleman's Pomade and it is a clear pomade that I like to use and I just kind of like scrunch it in my hair then. So, I'm not doing a ton of like, you know, products and stuff like that. If your hair is super fine, you need to use light products because otherwise, if you use something really heavy, it will weigh your hair down. So, I am kind of curling it all the same direction. Once I get to the back, I kind of switch it up a little bit. Again, just taking random sections. going by feel here so it's kind of hard. So, if you guys are just tuning in, let me know what you guys are up to, where you're tuning in from. I am curling my hair with the La Sync wand from L'ange. I'm using the tapered attachment. But the sink here, you guys, this if I turn this, this pops off and then you can change out the attachment. So, if you're looking for like a bunch of different you know, size wand s to curl your hair, this would be an amazing investment. It's got a bubble wand It. has three just kind of straight barreled ones that are three different sizes and then, it has this tapered one and now, the idea behind the tapered one is it's going to give you a little bit different if my hair longer, you'd probably be able to see it better. But it's going to give you a little bit different curl formation. It's going to be a little tighter at the top there and then it's going to get to be a bigger curl. Hello, Shelly from Texas. So, like I said, I like to have curlier, pieceier hair. Got hair on my nose I think. So, I take smaller sections if you want bigger curls. Ooh, then, take bigger sections. Donna, which products do you recommend for fine hair? So, finer hair, you could definitely get away with using the glaze hair lotion which I used last night before I did my hair. the whip volumizing mousse is really good. They're both super lightweight products. They don't make your hair feel like they have a ton of stuff in it. Which I love because I like having products to help the longevity of my hair but I don't like the feeling of a bunch of stuff in my hair if that makes sense. Hello, Geneva from Michigan. Um And then the salt and sea spray is really good as well. Because it helps, you know, kind of give you some texture and stuff like that. But again, it's not going to get your, it's not going to weigh your hair down. but I say that with caution because if you use too much of any product, it's going to weigh your hair down and you're not going to like the feel of it. So, for the glaze hair lotion, I kind of go with like a quarter size amount for my length of hair. If you have longer hair, then, you might want to go with a little bit more and then, the whip volumizing mousse, you can kind of know. Salt and sea spray, just kind of lightly spritz it on your hair. That's all you need. You don't need to like wet your hair with by any means. And the salt and sea spray you can use it on wet or dry hair. Which is also nice. Sometimes I tend to use it on both. Again just curling away from my hair or away from my face sorry. and then two, if you're wanting a little bit of some shine and stuff like that for afterwards, this hydrating mist, the Marula Hydrating Mist is awesome because I spray it on my hands so you can kind of control where you're putting it and how much you're putting it on. I definitely don't recommend just spraying it directly on your hair because you'll have like one spot that's like super greasy and probably will be Um super kind of dead there. It'll get weighed down. Hello, Sharon. Thank you. You guys, I have and that's the thing with my hair. I have not colored my hair since June. Like how crazy is that? So, whatever you see at that regrowth that is just not my natural color. That's what it is. But I do love, well, where am I going here? I do love the purple toning shampoos. For the reason of it just kind of helping maintain my color. So, as you guys can see, the curl, kind of just like curling it all in towards the middle a little bit and then once I get to the back, I kind of like rotate those curls in that part there. Okay. Yes and I do love the L'ange products you guys. I've been using them for a couple years now. That's why I became an ambassador. I am not going to recommend anything that I have not personally tried myself. So I know I did just put in an order because I was getting low on you know, the salt and sea spray and different things like that. And so I did order a couple different things to try out. Cos I haven't tried them yet. And then I will definitely be, you know, reporting that stuff back to you guys. So again, those curls around my face. going away, always away from your face because that will create lift. because if you curl those towards your face, you're like bringing everything in and it's going to close your face off. Whereas, if you curl it away from your face, it's going to lift everything up. No different than with like makeup and stuff like that. You always want to be creating lift. in your makeup and in your face because it's going to help you look younger Of course. And who doesn't want to look younger? So, now, as I get to this top section part here, I tend to the other thing too, you guys, if you are wanting more of like a beach wave kind of like look, then, or kind of like that barely curl look, then, don't go all the way to the top here like this top couple inches because this is what's helping me create more lift and more volume in my hair. So, If you don't want all this volume, then, start lower on the shaft of your hair. I like getting an extra volume So, that's why I go all the way to the top basically or almost to my scalp. So, where's that question back again? Bridget, did I answer your questions or what are you using for products and stuff? If you're still on here. So, we'd like to know Cuz I mean my hair can get a little frizzy looking sometimes too. But I don't know. I just figure it looks fluffier that day. That's the biggest thing. Another thing too if you're wanting to create more definition without getting a bunch of frizz. Let your hair cool completely before because that as you guys have noticed I have not touched any of these curls yet right? Cuz I'm going to do that afterwards. But if you want to you can take, you know, when you have a little bit of that product on your hands. And then just like separate them and then just twist them around your finger and that's going to help separate those curl and curls and then smooth them out a little bit too. So, continuing around here. As you guys can see, I'm wrapping it over So, now, I'm holding my wand basically like horizontal because it is creating like that lift right there. In that curl. and then the next one, I might just go like this again. This is going to create more length in that curl. that type of thing. So, the way that you hold your wand is going to help kind of figure out or help direct your hair which way it's going to go. Have you guys started Christmas shopping yet? That's another question for you. I've bought a couple things. That's it. I've asked my kids for their lists because I like ideas because I'd rather get them things that they need. Then just a bunch of **** I have two in college. Well no. I should lie. That's a lie. I have one in college. One that is done. And then I got one that's still in high school. So of course she wants like all the things. was like one kid. Have you guys found figured that out if you have kids? There's always like one kid that like wants absolutely everything. Bridget, I'm waiting on my first laundry order. Should be here Friday night. So, right now, I'm just using drugstore products Um yes, you just make sure. Awesome. Well, Bridgette, once you get your products, if you're having issues or anything like that, then, please let me know. I'm here to help. So, yes. There. So, all those are curled. Again, I like to go section by section. Make sure that I have everything curled so that I'm not digging underneath. Oh, Geneva, I like that you show how you want to wind your hair to achieve the desired curl. Yes. I'm going to show you guys a few tricks too once I get to the front here. So, now, when I do this top section, you guys, sometimes I change it up. today. I'm going to do it like this. Sometimes, I'll do it like this way. Sometimes, I do it this way. Just kind of depends. And then two, this is in this top section, I like to kind of rotate the curls. So, some I'll do forward, some I'll do backwards. Cuz again, that's going to help create some of that volume and stuff. So I'll do that one That way and then two, changing the direction that I hold this wand will kind of help change the direction. So, this one goes this way. This one goes this way. So, depending on how you hold that wand you, guys, that's the direction that that curl is going to go. I mean the clip looks nice like this too in the front of my hair, right? I'm not twisting my hair or anything like that. So I'm going to show you really quick. So, if I wanted, where's this hair here? Less curl. So, say I started this further down. If I wanted less curl, I would start lower on my hair. and see it's going to be like not as curly, right? So now, if I take that same piece and I go right here closer to my scalp and wrap it more times, it's going to get curlier. So, depending on how much curl you want and see how that lifts up like that Now, where did that piece go that I didn't curl? So, again, push those curls up a little bit and then, just let them cool like that Cuz letting those curls cool in that formation is what is going to help with the longevity. that curl. Okay, so you see this is where I'm going to like change it up now. Put that piece over there and we're going to forget about it for a minute. this front piece I'm going to bring it forward. like this. It's it's tricky. You gotta be careful not to burn your forehead. Bring it forward and point it like straight down. Again, pulling those edges out or those ends out. And it fits a little curly. Just give it a little tug. And then let it sit. No, because I like to change things up a little bit. I'm going to curl this one forward. No, two, with this tapered wand depending on where you hold like where you do that curl. It's either going to be like tighter here or if you do it more towards the end, it's going to be a bigger curl. So, I'm going to do this one Well, further down just to give it a little bit different look. Like so. and then now this one, I'm going to go further up here. So, it's going to be tighter. And then it's going to get bigger. So, now, if you had longer hair, you'd probably be able to tell a little bit more like the difference that you'll get. But like so. I can't see anything right now. Okay, there. Okay. Next section Started at the back. and just curling it back guys. That's all you gotta do. And see how I've got that hair wrapped right here. Again, that's creating that height. that I want. People always ask how I get the extra volume. Well, it's because I take that curling iron right to the very top. Or the closest as I can to the scalp. So, now, even if your hair is quite a bit longer, you could do the same thing. And you're going to get curlier curls. Divide this one in half. I'm going to rotate this around a little bit. and let it cool. Now, this one again, I'm going to pull it forward and then bring this straightforward like this. and then just let it sit. This little piece here. I'm okay with having like a couple pieces that come straight down. Okay. Again, going to bring this one forward So, if you guys are just tuning in, I am again using the tapered wand from LaSync. It has five different attachments which I will show you real quick. So, it has the tapered wand that I'm using right now. So, it's skinnier and it gets bigger. There's the bubble wand here which is, if you have long hair, this will give you some like crazy, curly hair. Super fun. And then, there is these three attachments and these are going to basically going to be just like a barrel. This is going to be the biggest one. If you have hair, the length of mine, this probably isn't going to work very well. So, you are going to want to use this on longer hair probably, you know, from your shoulders down. This will be give you some nice, big curl. I tend to Use this one the most. This one is the smallest one. I would say it's about half an inch, three quarters of an inch. And then this is probably your one inch one right here. So you can use either one of these on this length of hair if you have longer hair. You can still use these for sure. It's going to give you a tighter curl. But this one run right here if your hair is about my length or shorter. It's probably not going to work much. But I do love that you have so many different options though with the La Sync. So basically it getting five wand s for the price of one really. Cuz if you're going to buy a good wand They're not cheap. And I love that this has a temperature control. So, you can keep it between about I recommend anywhere between 390 and 410. If you have super thick, coarse hair, you want to have a higher temperature. If you have fine hair, then, you can get away with anything under three ninety probably. Because you don't need to have it super super hot. That's what I do love about most of the launch product is they do have that temperature control. Cos not everybody needs it to be crazy hot. Because that's why a lot of the time when people would come to the salon if they were using a super cheap flat iron and it was just frying their hair. It's probably because it was way too hot for starters. So, what do I want? I'm going to go forward with this one. So, like I said, as I get closer to the front here, you guys, I just kind of alternate back and forth. Keeping most of them curling away from my face but like I said, I don't mind having the odd curl come straight down. And I don't like to have a real distinct part. Necessarily. So, I just kind of curl it every which direction over here. But taking that curl or that wand directly close. Sorry not directly. Close to that scalp. Definitely helps give me that volume. That I like. I'm going to take this tiny piece here. Curl it forward. Sorry, I gotta look at my mirror here. So, again, curling this one so that it's probably going to bring that curl more down this direction. Now, I could have taken that curl and put my wand like this and it was going to cause that curl to go more this way. So, depending on which direction you hold your curl is going to help to define which way the hair is going to go. Okay, I'm going to double check because I can see Probably, a few places that I've missed So, just grabbing that hair really quick. Now, you guys, I'm not touching it right now, right? I'm letting this cool. so that it will set those curls, okay? I probably have like little fine hairs all over me. The joys of having blonde hair and wearing black. Okay. Now, as these are cooling, I'm going to take my Marula Oil Hydrating Mist and like I said before, you guys, you do not want to spray this directly on your hair. Because if you do, you're going to have like one big like spritz of like oil. right in one spot and it's going to get kind of greasy looking probably and it's going to weigh your hair down. So, I just sprayed first few sprays on my hands. and then, I'm just going to go through and just kind of like kind of finger comb, kind of scrunch, just kind of mess those curls up. If there's any that are staying super stuck together, then, I'm just going to separate them. I've not gotten any more product. Just keep rubbing those hands together. Usually try to like separate the ones around my face the most The back Like I said, you guys, I just kind of go in and like mess it up. That's what I do. There's no rhyme or reason to it. Like so. There's pieces I think that need to have a little bit more curl or anything like that. I will touch those up. Now, here's where the money comes in. The hero, gentlemen's pomade. You guys, this is clear. This is it's here. It's gentleman's but it does have like a little bit. I got that on my lip. It does have like a little bit of a masculine smell to it. So, your husband could use this if you're looking for dual purpose. But about that much. It is clear. and I'm going to rub it on my fingers. like so. And I'm just going to kind of go in. And start scrunching that kind of in the ends. One hand at a time. Rubbing off the excess. Cuz a little of this goes a long way. You guys. This is going to kind of help with some curl. Once I have like the least amount of product in then I can go in and scrunch it. A little bit more. Because I have thicker coarser hair. I could probably go in and put it kind of right on my scalp if you have super fine hair. Don't do that. Again, I still have product on my fingers. It's still a little tacky. So, I can go in and now, kind of define some of these curls. So, if there's a piece here, Go in and piece those out a little bit. These pieces seem a little big and chunky. I'm going to piece them out. So, you guys, a little product goes a long ways You don't need a ton but it is going to help. So, I'm going to finish fluffing this up before I go to town. I think my husband's home so I gotta go help Doctor Raquel Or a calf, sorry. So, you guys have an awesome day but again, this is the L'ange La Sync using the Tapered One. So, if you guys are interested, you can shop the link above. And use the discount code festive because I believe it's 30% off of tools. If you're looking for gift ideas is. If you need to give somebody a gift idea, this would be an awesome gift because like I said, if you have teenage daughters or if you want it for yourself, it's like buying five irons in one. If you have questions, more questions about product and stuff like that, don't be afraid to shoot me a message or comment below and I will come back and I will answer any questions but hope you guys have an awesome day. And we will chat again soon.
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Tylko: Entwirf die perfekten Regale und Kleiderschränke für dein Zuhause
Tylko: Entwirf die perfekten Regale und Kleiderschränke für dein Zuhause
Von engen Fluren bis hin zu ganzen Wänden: Tylko Möbel passen immer. Mit einer Reihe gewagter (oder klassischer) Farben verleihst du deinem Charakter Ausdruck. Zudem passen Tylko Möbel zu allem: modernen Kunstdrucken, Klassikern im Mid-Century-Modern-Stil, Vintage-Deko oder minimalistischen Einrichtungsstücken. Und die Möbel sind komplett personalisierbar. Das heißt, dass du über die Größe, das Modell und jeden smarten Abschnitt entscheidest. Entwirf jetzt online deine Möbel auf