
27 Pins
John E. Jaqua Academic Center for Student Athletes, University of Oregon
John E. Jaqua Academic Center for Student Athletes, University of Oregon | Flickr: Intercambio de fotos
This Health Consulting Firm Slashed Overhead Costs with Their New Space
A thirty-foot wall filled with large vibrant photographs highlights the décor and international work of Futures Group. Image courtesy of BBGM.
Wexel Floating Frames: Display Your Art & Photos in Seconds
Mondrian inspired wall gallery by Wexel art- steal it on kickstarter
Recognition Gallery - Honorcraft
Rod & Grip style donor recognition
New Brand Identity for Clay by Studio Claus Due — BP&O
Branding for Clay — Museum of Ceramic Art Denmark by Designbolaget
Make in Italy – MUST + EXPO Milan
interesting use of pipes to both frame the info boards and hold them up. dotdotdot_make_in_italy-MUST_08
Select from system cable or rod tensioners
Select from system cable or rod tensioners
El Yapımı Deri Tasarım Ürünler, Kişiye Özel Deri Cüzdan, Saat Kayışı
Commercial | AS Hanging Systems