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Black Hole Outburst in Spiral Galaxy M83 (NASA, Chandra, Hubble, 04/30/12)
~~Black Hole Outburst in Spiral Galaxy M83 (NASA, Chandra, Hubble, 04/30/12) | The Blackhole exists from a previous life as a star, It collapses to infinity but its life does not end, after the pressures of the impossible the black hole re-emerges either via explosion and scattering and the matter goes to form within other stars or it re-condenses. | by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center~~
The Daily Galaxy - Great Discoveries Channel - Great Discoveries Channel
"The Real Earth" -- Image from Space With Gravity Field in Effect The "Potsdam Gravity potato", as this image of terrestrial gravity has become known, can for the first time display gravity variations that change with time.
The Daily Galaxy - Great Discoveries Channel - Great Discoveries Channel
In August of 2007, astronomers located a gigantic hole in the universe. This empty space, stretching nearly a billion light-years across, is devoid of any matter such as galaxies, stars, and gas, and neither does it contain the strange and mysterious dark matter, which can be detected but not seen. The large void in the Constellation Eridanus appears to be improbable given current cosmological models. A radical and controversial theory proposes that it is a "universe-in-mass black hole"
Is there a "hole" in the universe?
The Eridanus Void. This area shows almost no signs of cosmic matter, meaning no stars, planets, solar systems or clouds of cosmic dust. Researchers couldn't even find dark matter, which is invisible but measurable by its gravitational pull. There were also no signs of black holes that might have gobbled up the matter once present in the region.
The middle of the blackhole in the Whirlpool Galaxy -- “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” – Psalm 19:1
A Forgotten Piece of Space Junk is Headed for Earth
A Forgotten Piece of Space Junk is Headed for Earth - The object could be a lost piece of a rocket dating back to the Apollo missions
Hindustan Times - Archive News | Hindustan Times
Black hole...located in the direction of the constellation of Virgo, is so far away that the light from it has taken 11 billion years to reach Earth, so we see it as it appeared in the early Universe. The monster black hole has more than 10 billion times the mass of the Sun and 10,000 times the mass of the super-massive black hole in our own Milky Way, making it one of the most massive ever seen...there may be as many as 400 such giant black holes in the part of the universe... - See more at...
26 Pictures That Will Make You Re-Evaluate Your Entire Existence
This is by far my favorite pin ever. You must look at these pics. Amazing doesn't even describe.
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
What a star looks like when it dies
Astronomers have discovered the largest known structure in the universe a clump of active galactic cores that stretch 4 billion light-years from end to end. The structure is a light quasar group (LQG) a collection of extremely luminous Galactic Nulcei powered by supermassive central black holes!