
48 Pins
Luci con materiale di riciclo
This is really cool, all kinds of colorful caps from things like detergent I may have to try this.
DIY String Lights To Decorate Your Rooms | DIY Projects
DIY Flameless Fire Pit | Indoor Decorating String Light Craft Ideas by Diy Ready
DIY Mason Jar Rope Light | #DIY #HOME #Decor
DIY Mason Jar Rope Light | #DIY #HOME #Decor | DIY & Crafts
Diy Awesome Desk Lamp (DIY Creative Ideas)
diy Awesome Desk Lamp Hmmm endless possibilities with this idea. You could paint the blocks or even add things between the gaps.
This item is unavailable - Etsy
OMG! I want this now.....Custom LEGO Lamp with built in display area for by BrickABlocks, $45.00
Check out our sponsor - Good Politic Guy
Making chandelier and lamps with old CDs Decorate Parties With Old CD´s
CDs transformed into CDegg Pendant by Gilbert de Rooij – upcycleDZINE
DIY: Old CDs transformed into CDegg pendant by Gilbert de Rooij
floor and desk lamps. Maybe a modified bersion of this for the base or too of a bookcase