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Фото 907666042238 из альбома ☼ ИЗ МЕШКОВИНЫ И ЛЬНА. Смотрите в группе ИЗ ТОГО, ЧТО ПОД РУКАМИ - рукоделие, декор, дизайн в ОК
Фото 849992898768 из альбома Крейзи Квилт. Разместила Марина Перфилова ( Сотникова) в ОК
I think I'm really liking this design. I have done this design in different colours before. If you'd like to see it check it out in my previous posts from last year.
The Best Stitches In Embroidery - Embroidery Patterns
Petal Chain Stitch - One of 48 very well written tutorials with step by step photos by Sarah. ~ Picture Dictionary for all 48 Tutorials found: #embroiderystitchestutorial #EmbroideryChainStitch
Dantelden zarif runner modeli –
evdeki datel parçaları birleştirilerek yapılmış pek zarif bir runner modeli ile pek çok ilgi çekici dantel modeli, işleme ve nakış deseni'da
Urlaub in Ungarn / Erlebnis Ungarn - Erleben Sie die besonderen Ferien in Ungarn in der Puszta bei Bugac. Preiswert Urlaub machen in Jugendherbergen, Camping, Bauernhof, Pension oder Hotel