88 Pins
ArtStation - Explore
women soldier, yintion J on ArtStation at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/women-soldier
�збранное — Камин под мостом — @дневники: асоциальная сеть
@дневники — Избранное :: Камин под мостом
Fabian Saravia
Next in the group is Hodur, the lvl 1 tiefling warlock. Likes trying too hard to be a badass, threatening people and being unconscious, or so it would seem, with him being always at 1 hitpoint whenever the shit hits the fan. Again, no steps for this...
ArtStation - Explore
Frontier Buccaneers, Johnson Ting on ArtStation at http://www.artstation.com/artwork/frontier-buccaneers