Traveler's Book Corner

Do you need something to read while your traveling? Or something to read about traveling? Or just something to read? Then you are in the right place! Check out some ideas, links to book reviews and more from a real bookaholic... I hope this helps you to choose the next book to read! <3
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St. Sebastian School of Law by Tim Greaney- Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
October 7th Book of the Day!
St. Sebastian School of Law by Tim Greaney- Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
Israel: The Demonization of an Ethical Country by Sean Melamed -- Book of the Day!  @OnlineBookClub
October 6th Book of the Day!
Israel: The Demonization of an Ethical Country by Sean Melamed -- Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
Reconceptualizing Mental Illness in the Digital Age: Ghosts in the Machine by Elliott B. Martin, Jr. - Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub  @efuxon4246
October 2nd Book of the Day!
Reconceptualizing Mental Illness in the Digital Age: Ghosts in the Machine by Elliott B. Martin, Jr. - Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub @efuxon4246
the cover of the book, the adventure of time by inguis sevrus
October 1st Book of the Day AND Book of the Month!
The Advent of Time by Indignus Servus -- Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
a book cover with two handcuffs and a judge's hammer
September 30th Book of the Day!
Crime Healer: A Profession for the Brave at Heart by Patrick A. Davy- Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
an image of the cover for apollo's raven
Apollo's Raven by Linnea Tanner
Apollo's Raven by Linnea Tanner - OnlineBookClub Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub Follow the author @linneatanner
the cover of disarrhoea by kevin voden, illustrated by an artist
September 25th Book of the Day!
Disarrhoea by Kevin Vodden- Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
Sock Sloth and the Lunar Blades by J W B Rowley- Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
September 23rd Book of the Day!
Sock Sloth and the Lunar Blades by J W B Rowley- Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
American Papers: My love letters to America by Jayme Alencar de Oliveira Filho - OnlineBookClub Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
American Papers: My love letters to America by Jayme Alencar de Oliveira Filho
American Papers: My love letters to America by Jayme Alencar de Oliveira Filho - OnlineBookClub Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
the cover of catastrophica, with an image of a pyramid in the background
September 21st Book of the Day!
Catastrophica 1,2, 3: The Complete Trilogy by Trevor Daffyd - Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
the other side of crisss by bob herbe is out now on amazon
September 17th Book of the Day!
The Other Side of Crisis by Bob Herpe -- Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub @bobherpe0507
the cover of tara's journal by catherine anne, with a pen resting on it
September 16th Book of the Day!
Tara's Journal: First book in Tara's Journal Saga by Catherine Anne- Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
the case of the stolen goddesss by john amos, with an image of a woman holding
The Case of the Stolen Goddess by john amos
The Case of the Stolen Goddess by John Amos - OnlineBookClub Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
the hero of hawk's nest beach
September 14th Book of the Day!
The Hero of Hawk's Nest Beach: A Sea Turtle Rescue by Barbara Gervais Ciancimino- Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub
a woman standing in front of a boxing ring with the words lights out on it
September 13th Book of the Day!
Lights Out Lizzie by James Hanna- Book of the Day! @OnlineBookClub