Trolleys aéronautiques

A l'origine, ils sont utilisés dans les avions de ligne par les compagnies aériennes pour distribuer sandwichs et boissons aux passagers. Ils ont parcourus des millions de miles autour du globe. Nos clients les utilisent comme servante de jeux, minibar, cave à cigares, servante Nespresso, servante de cuisine, rangement de vinyles de collection, mais vous êtes libre de leur trouver une nouvelle utilisation !
47 Pins
Half trolley
Featuring the extraordinary McLaren MP4-4 and its Honda engine
Half trolley
Featuring the extraordinary McLaren MP4-4 and its Honda engine
Half trolley
Featuring the extraordinary McLaren MP4-4 and its Honda engine
Half trolley
Featuring the extraordinary McLaren MP4-4 and its Honda engine
Concorde trolley decoration
Renovated trolley with Air France Concorde decoration
Concorde trolley decoration
Renovated trolley with Air France Concorde decoration
Concorde trolley decoration
Renovated trolley with Air France Concorde decoration
Concorde trolley decoration
Renovated trolley with Air France Concorde decoration
Concorde trolley decoration
Renovated trolley with Air France Concorde decoration
Concorde trolley decoration
Renovated trolley with Air France Concorde decoration
Half trolley
Featuring the extraordinary McLaren MP4-4 and its Honda engine
Half trolley
Featuring the extraordinary McLaren MP4-4 and its Honda engine
Half trolley
Featuring the extraordinary McLaren MP4-4 and its Honda engine
Half trolley
Featuring the extraordinary McLaren MP4-4 and its Honda engine
Half trolley
Featuring the extraordinary McLaren MP4-4 and its Honda engine