
789 Pins
Chakra Foods Chart | 7 Chakras Healing With Food
Third Eye Excercise Teach your right and left brain to communicate 1. Focus your eyes untl]. the two clrcles become four Z. Bring the two mner circles together until they overlap 3. Focus untll you see a cross Jn the center 4. Now try overlapping the two smaller circles 5. Practlce durlng medltatmn thh eyes open or closed 6. Don‘t over do lt, it W111 strain your eyes I © Created By Carrie Love - iFunny
BodySpirtitual | How Spiritual Energy and Chakras Effect You
Reiki Healing Energy for the Mind, Body and Spirit - PositiveMed
New Earth Army base on Kaua’i to serve as Global HQ for “Council of Nations”