Quilling - créations

34 Pins
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A personal favorite from my Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/listing/255653305/tree-mosaic-quilled-art-quilled-mosaic
2. Paper Quilled Jewelry by Marissa from Sweethearts and Crafts
1. Emperor Penguin Easter Egg by Inna from Inna’s Creations | Community Post: Paper Quilling: The Long Lost Cousin Of Origami
2. Paper Quilled Jewelry by Marissa from Sweethearts and Crafts
2. Paper Quilled Jewelry by Marissa from Sweethearts and Crafts | Community Post: Paper Quilling: The Long Lost Cousin Of Origami
Девушка-весна: контурный квиллинг
Хомячок Challenge: квиллинг-задания
This item is unavailable | Etsy
#Peacock Paper Quilling Ornament