
70 Pins
Mandala: cosa sono, a cosa servono, benefici, come colorarli
Singola Fotogallery - Tanta Salute
Mandala da colorare come antistress (Foto) | Tanta Salute
James Brunt Organizes Leaves and Rocks Into Elaborate Cairns and Mandalas
James Brunt Organizes Leaves and Rocks Into Elaborate Cairns and Mandalas
DIY Weave a Mandala Brooch with Toothpicks
DIY Weave a Mandala Brooch with Toothpicks | LIKE Us on Facebook ==>
Once You See These You Will Never Look At Plastic Bottles The Same Way Again
I can't believe people made these things out of plastic 'junk'.
Home | Geometric Inspired
As the most significant of all the symbols in sacred geometry, the Flower of Life is encoded with the blue-print for all creation; containing within it the proportions of every single aspect of life there is. Four yantra banner includes the symbols: flower of life, metatrons cube, sahashara and sri yantra.
Flower of Life Apparel - Limited Edition
Flower of Life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia --- and other geometric figures (note: read through ahead of time, go through and digest information to share with young ones; sit along-side older ones to discuss potential sensibility issues) -> Great tools for light-workers.. Flower of Life T-Shirts, V-necks, Sweaters, Hoodies & More ONLY 13$ EACH! LIMITED TIME CLICK ON THE PIC
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Flower of Life-Yin Yang Sacred Geometry Screen by TempleThreads
Yin Yang as Sacred Geometry
Yin Yang as Sacred Geometry by Shirley Two Feathers, via Flickr