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DIY & Food Blog mit kreativen Ideen zum Basteln und Selbermachen : DIY Gips / Beton Schale in Kupfer, Silber und Gold ganz einfach selber machen
DIY Gips / Beton Schale + Anleitung: DIY, Basteln, Selbermachen, Gips, Beton, Betonliebe, Geschenkidee, Kupfer, Silber, Gold, Aufbewahung, Basteltrend...
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Craftaholics Anonymous® | DIY Wood Slice Ornaments
Before you toss your Christmas tree, cut a few slices from the trunk to use in these rustic DIY Wood Slice Ornaments!
Christmas Ornament Snowman Wood Slice Ornament Cute Snowman Painting Wood Christmas Decoration Tree Slice Ornament Rustic Christmas Gift Tag by LindaFehlenGallery on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/listing/211068060/christmas-ornament-snowman-wood-slice
Fabric Keychains
Pinner says: I love these! This is the tutorial I used to make mine. Ive made so many now, Ive lost count!