Zeichnungen Tiere

152 Pins
This design is balanced because of the repetition of the tiger, there is not direct focal point in it. The design is also on a vertical axis.
Ostern Deko - Frühlingshaft
Ostern Deko selbst basteln - schöne bunte Singvögel verschönern Fenster, Eierbecher und machen Frühlingsgefühle. #ostern #basteln #frühling
Basteln für Ostern
Ostern basteln mit Kindern - kleine bunte Vögel basteln, ausschneiden und als Deko für den Frühling aufhängen. #ostern #basteln #frühling #vögel
Hey, I would just like to say that this is a really nice background. I mean if you think about it they are bees and they are going to be extinct soon, so if you ever encounter a bee please please try not to kill it, so we can save bees.
Winter Woodland Toile (Cranberry/burlap) Fabric | Spoonflower
Woodland Winter Toile in Cranberry by nouveau_bohemian - Hand illustrated winter toile pattern on fabric, wallpaper, and gift wrap. Red and cream color pallete with deer, bears, winter birds and plants. The perfect winter themed pattern for wallpapering a living room or making diy napkins for a holiday party. Click to see more hand illustrated designs by this indie designer. #winter #woodland #fabric #wallpaper