
11 Pins
Bringing Quilt Creations to Life
Off the Rails Quilt Pattern: Achieve an Asian feel to this quilt when you use blues and off-whites and a simple quilting design. Pattern has Green Bee's piecing directions for a 40" x 59" throw sized quilt. • Designer: Green Bee • Quilt Size: 40" x 59" • Project: Pieced
About | Landauer Quilting Books
Easy-Cut Quilts with a Modern Twist by Laurel Albright | Landauer Publishing This quilt would be so easy to cut with an #accuquilt strip cutter!
Color Options from American Patchwork & Quilting June 2008
Squares and Strips Quilt - twist every other one for woven look
Nancy Zieman The Blog - Quick Column Quilts—New Book, TV Series and Book Tour
Quick Column Quilts Book by Nancy Zieman as seen on Sewing With Nancy TV s
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Gradient Striped Modern Baby Quilt
2009 Finished Projects
Red Pepper Quilts: Spring Quilt. (Might be fun for scraps. 4 strips 2 inches wide x 6.5 long. End up with 6 inch block.
Strip and Flip Baby Quilt -
tutorial. Strip and flip baby quilt. Cluck cluck sew.
Valori Wells debuts 2 new collections for Robert Kaufman
Great way to do a strip quilt to get rid of those extra strips I have lying around! Blocks of strips interspersed with large strips of a solid color.
Tifton Tiles Quilt Tutorial
Something so simple yet very pretty about this quilt. See the Tilton Tile Tutorial on my Quilt Idea board to see how this quilt was made.