
233 Pins
How to make an adult bib - Inspiration Made Simple
My husbands Gram was diagnosed with corticobasal degeneration last year. And although this is usually a slow progressing disease, she has lost much in the time since; including living unassisted, much of her ability to speak, the ability to walk and the use of her left hand. Due to her illness she is also having a...Read More »
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Red dress pattern
Шитье простые выкройки
Шитье | простые выкройки | простые вещи.Сарафан с завышенной талией и трехъярусной юбкой. Выкройка на четыре размера: S (ОГ79-ОТ62-ОБ85) M (ОГ84-ОТ66-ОБ90) L (ОГ88-ОТ69-ОБ95) LL (ОГ93-ОТ73-ОБ100)
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Платье с завышенной линией талии и ярусной юбкой. #простыевыкройки #простыевещи #шитье #платье #выкройка
Denim Couture Jacket: Handmade pockets and flaps - Bolsos e paletas costurados à mão
Couture et Tricot: Denim Couture Jacket: Handmade pockets and flaps - Bolsos e paletas costurados à mão, tany sews and knits, sewing tips, sewing tutorials, dicas de costura, passo-a-passo costura, tutoriel couture, paso a paso coser
Do It Yourself : Ma robe bohème pour toujours
Do It Yourself : Ma robe bohème pour toujours | Le Blog Mondial Tissus