ricette hamburger carne

15 Pins
two hands holding a cheeseburger with fries on the side and a bowl of chili in the background
| FOODBLOG - SHERIN | ♥️ on Instagram: "| Sherins Lieblingsburger | 🍔 - Saftig, unglaublich lecker & einfach 🍔 Rezept zum Speichern! Mengenangaben für 8 Burger 🍔 Zutaten für die karamellisierten Zwiebeln: - 6 große Zwiebeln - 1 EL Butter - 3 EL Öl - Salz & Pfeffer - 2 EL Zucker Zutaten für die Patties: - 650 g Rinderhackfleisch - Salz & Pfeffer - Etwas Öl zum Anbraten Zutaten für die Sauce: - 2/3 Mayonnaise - 1/3 Sriracha Sauce - 1 TL Paprika edelsüß - Prise Pfeffer & Oregano - 1 EL Röstzwiebeln - 2 gehackte Essiggurken Außerdem: - Brioche Buns - Tomaten & Salat zum Belegen (optional) - Toast-Schmelzkäse - Butter für die Brioche Buns Zubereitung: 1. Karamellisierte Zwiebeln: - Die Zwiebeln in dünne Ringe schneiden. - Butter und Öl in einer Pfanne bei mittlerer Hitze (Stufe 6
the hamburger is being sliced and put on top of the buns with a knife
James Brown on Instagram: "My favorite burger 🍔 . #burger #smashburger #food"
a person is holding a sandwich with cheese and meat on it in their left hand
Baffetto’s Kitchen on Instagram: "Soprattutto se per i tuoi bambini, investi un po’ più di tempo, ma falli tu, o almeno comprali fatti da una macelleria di fiducia. In poche parole, occhio alla carne separata meccanicamente! Ma poi…vuoi davvero paragonare il risultato? #daleccarsilbaffetto! #cordonbleu #baffettofood #baffetto #cucinabaffetto"
a hand holding a cheeseburger with lettuce and other toppings on it
Food Mood Clips 😋 on Instagram: "Which burger from @meatlicious would you choose 1 or 2? . 1️⃣ PEANUT BUTTER BURGER🍔 2️⃣TEXAS PATTY MELT GUIDE 🍔 . Follow @foodmoodclips to boost your mood for food ❤️ . By @meatlicious 🤙🏼 . #burgerpassion #foodlover #gourmetburgers #tasteofamerica"
a pulled beef burger sitting on top of a cutting board
Pulled Beef Burger mit Paprika-Chili-Rub
two hands reaching for a piece of food on top of a paper towel that is laying on a wooden table
Hamburger di Pollo fatto in Casa | Agrodolce
an image of some food that is on top of each other with the words de frango written above it
Michele Ykegaya | receitas on Instagram: "Hambúrguer crocante de frango fica PERFEITO!!! Me conta oq você achou ❤️✨ Hambúrguer: •2 peitos de frango •1/2 cebola média •1 dente de alho •1 colher de chá de páprica defumada •2 colheres rasas de chá de sal •Pimenta-do-reino a gosto •Airfryer pré-aquecida a 180 graus por 15 minutos. •Aumente para 200 graus e deixe mais 5min Molho: •6 colheres de chá de maionese •1 colher de chá mostarda Djon •1/2 limão Empanado: •ovo •farinha panko Para
some food that is on a white plate and has been cut in half to look like potatoes
Francesca Montinaro on Instagram: "Hamburger di peperoni 🫑 & Patate al forno Ingredienti (x4 persone): Per gli hamburger - 500 g di carne macinata mista - 1 peperone - Olio extravergine d’oliva - Sale Patate al forno - 500 g di patate novelle - Pangrattato - Olio extravergine d’oliva - Sale - Rosmarino . ⏱️ Cuocere le patate al forno a 200°c per 15 min ⏱️Cuocere gli hamburger in padella 2-3 min per lato . Lasciami un ♥️ se ti è piaciuta la ricetta e commenta 💬 se vuoi vederne altre ☺️!
a close up of a sandwich with meat and cheese
Marco Meschini on Instagram: "COME FAI A RESISTERE !?🤤 Guarda come cola tutto il sughetto ..😍 Ecco a te il tuo nuovo panino preferito …non fartelo raccontare🔥 e non chiedetemi le dosi, più ne mettete meglio è!!! @over.project_ 🎥"
a person in black gloves is holding a large hamburger on a wooden table with other food items
TikTok - Make Your Day
pulled pork burger on a cutting board with ketchup
Pulled Pork Burger perfekt zubereiten
two pulled pork sandwiches with lettuce and onions
Pulled Pork aus dem Ofen – das weltbeste Rezept | DasKochrezept.de – Kochrezepte, Saisonales, Themen & Ideen
5h 30m