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Fallout 3 Computer Case Mod | Computer Case Mods in 2019 | Custom computer case, Computer case, Pc cases
If you plan on playing Fallout 3 on a PC, then this old school case mod, made to look like a 1960s television set, has got to be the way to go. Description from ripten.com. I searched for this on bing.com/images
[ MacCready disliked that. ] | art by pebblerollingbird @Tumblr
Fallout 4. I just restarted playing on survival mode (on Xbox one) and this is what I was slightly thinking.
One Man, and a Crate of Puppets.
One Man, and a Crate of Puppets.
[Fallout 4] BoS BS by LocalSpaghetto on DeviantArt
[Fallout 4] BoS BS by RoflPanzer on DeviantArt
Fallout 4 - Damn Bigots! by pistachioZombie on DeviantArt
I literally did the same thing when I ran into the brotherhood haha Fallout 4 - Damn Bigots! by pistachioZombie on DeviantArt
This is my Fallout 4 story about how Curie saved me from being racist against synths. (And yes Tumblr, of course Mr. Valentine contributed too.)