Advent und weihnachten basteln

114 Pins
This may contain: someone is making letters out of marshmallows and pine cones on the table
Stern aus Holzperlen
Difficulty: Medium Du brauchst • 36 Holzperlen • Garn, Basteldraht, Gummifaden
This may contain: a candle sitting on top of a wooden table next to snow covered trees and pine cones
Zauberhafter Winterwald | DIY zur Weihnachtszeit
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This may contain: an image of paper fans on top of a book with the words weilweinstedeoration engel falten
Engel falten - Weihnachtsdekoration
Difficulty: Easy Material • Papier • Holzperlen • Bastelkleber • Schnur • Schere
This may contain: a table topped with a deer figurine next to a candle and christmas decorations
Tischdeko mit Kerze und Hirsch
This may contain: a person holding a paper - engel fan in their hands with the words quick and easy diy on it
Upcycling Papier-Engel aus Buchseiten basteln | DIY Weihnachtsdeko
Difficulty: Easy Materialien • 2 Buchseiten • Juteschnur • 1 Holzperle • Klebestift