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This may contain: tortilla rezept on a cutting board with sliced avocado and salsa
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26M views · 158K reactions | Kenyan Beef Samosas | Have you ever tried Kenyan food? These Kenyan Beef Samosas are a family recipe from one of our very own Tasty producers! 😍 GET THE FAMILY RECIPE:... | By Tasty | Sambusas are everywhere in Kenya and they are an amazing snack Jambo hi I'm Kianao and I'm here with my mom Kazanao and today we're going to make you Kenyan sambusas so typically for my family back home in Kenya we'll make sambusas when we have get togethers with the family when I have Thanksgiving or Christmas and our whole family runs off with African people time so waiting for everyone to arrive for Christmas at Thanksgiving can be a couple hours so these literally save lives from hunger. I am from the Maasai tribe. We are livestock farmers and we love meat, milk, all things from the cows. All things from the cows. For Maasai people, we don't like to spice our foods a lot so we like to taste the meat. It smells good. I'm getting a meat facial. I don't mind it. That meat filling is on point. So, as much as it is like a preparation of a meal, it's a group activity. My favorite part about making sambusas is really having the ladies sit together and each person take a piece of the action and get the sambuses done in few minutes. Dough making and dough kneading is not my favorite part so I leave this bed to my mom which I don't mind kneading the dough and it's really you just have to get right in it and just do it. Just do it until it's nice and soft. I mean, who needs a jam while you're making sambuses, right? Correct. It's important to make sure it doesn't dry out. So, cover it in clean film and a warm damp tea towel will help make sure your sambusa carries on to that final very important folding stage. Cooking for Keanu is passion for me and the oldest of eleven kids so cooking growing up was work. I started digging in the kitchen with my mom when I was like around six, seven years old. The kitchen for me was always an open place where I was allowed to be creative and experiment. Let me say this, she has overtaken the kitchen. Since I was. I was once the chef and now I'm the sous chef. When you're part cooking your sambusu dough, you just want to get rid of that stickiness. You don't want to fully cook it into bread. You just want it to be a bit more malleable. So, to make your individual wrappers, fold it into a little ice cream cone shape. You have a little flour paste and use a lot of it probably more than you think you need. You want to lock it in there. Fry baby fry. Mom, this is all you. I need to not burn my eyebrows off. I love frying. This is the easy part. They're done. They didn't fall apart. That's always a good sign. I'm so excited to eat I love mine with a lot of lime juice on it. Alright, cheers mama. Cheers. This is great. You did? Yes. Well done, ma. Thank you. Well done, sweetie. Oh, yes.
Kenyan Beef Samosas