This Maudlin Career of Mine

Personality types and things I relate to.
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infp and their toxic traits
#infp #infppersonality #infj #intjwoman #toxic #toxicity #mbti #mbtipersonalities #enfp #enfj #viralpost
Prokopetz Team “not actually oblivious to flirting, just terrified of appearing presumptuous” represent. & prokopetz “Yes, in the balance of consideration this personªs behaviour could certainly be interpreted as flirtatious, but it would be purest arrogance for me tojust assume they actually meant what they said. I should gather more evidence. Forever.” - iFunny
Madiblue223 Follow The healer also needs healing. The planner also needs surprises. The giver also needs to receive. The thoughtful also needs to be thought of. The considerate also needs to be considered. honey-intheshade-deactivated202 People give what they need. i think ultimately you become whoever would have saved you that time that no one did @ chasingshhadows Follow think you ultimately become whoever would have saved you that time no one did" hi this devastated me be Holy Shit. holy shit. - iFunny