
24 Pins
Summer Roadtrip
Die Playlist für deinen nächsten Road Trip (some of these are actually OK, repinning just because ;) )
And the winner for best sink in a #campervan goes to @anamericanroadstory the rest of the van isn't to shabby either. #VanCrush (1 of 2) by van.crush
Vanlife, baby! ♡ Deko Ideen für den Innenausbau des eigenen Vans für ein neues Roadtrip Abenteuer. So sieht Lebensqualität aus. - The brisk morning temperatures of fall and winter are in full swing and an extra blanket at night is coming clutch ❄️ @chewythevanagon
Maybe just have to pick what's most important: sleeping space or cooking space. I feel like MOST of the time I'd want to cook outside. Plus I have a small portable gas grill... Range maybe not needed? Still would like A Burner option as this doesn't work on the grill...I tried!!