INUK - Kollektion 0

12 Pins
Fabric collection 'Insected' detail 'Beetle' from bees and caterpillars, to beetles, dragonflies and glowworms, nature's own eye-catchers are the inspiration behind 'Insceted', a collection of women's fashion textiles created for the modern femme fatale. by Barbara Medo
Winkelen – Learn, in a playful way, how to create beautiful handmade textiles!
Textielmuseum Masterclass 2. Japanse weeftechnieken (Sakiori, Kasuri en Saori), donderdag 19 november
Paul Smith launches textile for Maharam at NeoCon 2016
Paul Smith launches checked textile for Maharam at NeoCon 2016.
404 – error - stylink - affiliate platform for influencers
Embroidered painting (detail) by Joost Post, 2016. More
Muster zeichnen - meditativ oder einfach nur langweilig ? - Hermine on walk
Muster zeichnen ist langweilig. Seht ihr das auch so? Erfahrt wieso das doch nicht so sein muss, sondern sogar ziemlich entspannend sein kann! Hermine on walk | Prints | Structure | monochromatic structure | monochrome Print