
107 Pins
La Valletta City Gate by Renzo Piano MODERNO MEDITERRANEO - IoArch Costruzioni e Impianti
Home Interior Design
Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Amsterdam by Neutelings Riedijk Architects, Interior by Merkx + Girod Architecten.
Spettacolari Ringhiere per Scale Interne Moderne |
20 modelli di corrimano e ringhiere per scale interne davvero particolari, tutti ispirati al design moderno e creati abbinando diversi materiali e forme
sensing spaces
Sensing Spaces "Dark", Royal Academy, UK • Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara, Grafton Architects
Teahouse / A1 Architects
The Teahouse as a typological kind follows the Japanese tradition of minimizing space and is intended as place the meet with guest at a cup of tea. A1 Architects. Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Nicolas Schuybroek | Hullebusch, Biennale Interieur 2018
Hullebusch, Biennale Intérieur 2018 Kortrijk, Belgium, 2018 Scenography | Photographs — © Claessens & Deschamps
17+ Inexpensive Rustic Contemporary Decor Ideas
10 Sublime Tips: Contemporary Kitchen Oak contemporary farmhouse stone.Contemporary Office Table contemporary bedroom white.Contemporary Color Office Spaces..
Architecture and Photography image inspiration on Designspiration
DCPP Arquitectos adatta casa Città del Messico intorno a un cortile in…