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Made My Day
Heutzutage haben 13-jährige Beziehungskrisen. Als ich so alt war, habe ich die Kühlschranktür langsam zu gemacht, um zu sehen, ob das Licht an bleibt.
Comic Dump III - Die Rache der Panels - Imgur - #Comic #der #Die #Dump #III #Imgur #Panels #Rache - [ad_1] Comic Dump III – Die Rache der Panels – Imgur
Sorry Ähnlichkeit besteht durchaus..
Sorry Ähnlichkeit besteht durchaus.. | Lustige Bilder, Sprüche, Witze, echt lustig
Star Wars Canvas | Star Wars Gifts 2019
Star Wars Canvas | Star Wars Gifts 2019 - Star Wars Funny - Funny Star Wars Meme - #starwars #funny #starwarsfunny - Star Wars joke Star Wars Canvas Latest and trending Star Wars Canvas. #starwars #canvas #starwarscanvas Star Wars joke The post Star Wars Canvas | Star Wars Gifts 2019 appeared first on Gag Dad.
Gag Dad | Spread Humour Over The World
Yes he's perfectly fine. No need to worry about him. Looks at camera like - Star Wars Funny - Funny Star Wars Meme - #starwars #funny #starwarsfunny - Yes he's perfectly fine. No need to worry about him. Looks at camera like on the office The post Yes he's perfectly fine. No need to worry about him. Looks at camera like appeared first on Gag Dad.
Alzheimer's or a compulsive liar?....
Alzheimer's or a compulsive liar?.... : PrequelMemes>>> or he remembered the good parts, rather than only the bad