Scripture Quotes

This Board is for Bible Scriptures and Quotes. Find powerful Bible verses, inspirational quotes and inspiring images that lead to Bible study blog posts and articles. Enjoy these inspirational and encouraging scriptures and Bible quotes as a way to uplift and inspire faith in God. Sometimes, it can get easy to be discouraged, but God has given us good news in his son Jesus, and He has left us a road map called the Bible. Let these scriptures and quotes bring peace and joy.
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He Will Wipe Away Our Tears
Feelings of sorrow occur when we lose a loved one due to death, but any loss has the potential to leave us feeling sorrowful. Learn how to handle sorrow and grief as a Christian. As Christians, we must make it through our time of sorrow with hope and not despair, and we must always be mindful of the enemy's traps. Although death and suffering were not part of God's original plan for humanity, He will help us and comfort us. #griefwithhope, #loss via @krystalrsimpson
Fear God and Keep His Commandments
After receiving salvation through Jesus Christ, God calls us to live for Him every day. We must fear God and keep His commandments. He wants our lives to bring Him glory as we use our talents and gifts to praise Him and bless others. The easy way to understand God’s calling for our life is to draw close to God and learn His ways. To accomplish this feat, we need to spend time in prayer and reading His Word to build a stable relationship. Be Blessed and Choose Joy. Via @KrystalRSimpson
Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. Understanding the Holy Spirit and His purpose in our life is crucial to living a joyful and peaceful Christian life. We know God as our Father, who sent His son, Jesus, but the Holy Spirit is often less understood. The enemy thrives on our confusion because He knows the importance of the Holy Spirit. We need to understand what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit so that we will ask Him into our lives. #HolySpirit, #ledbytheholyspirit, via @KrystalRSimpson
Seek God First
Seek God First.When we put God first in our lives, everything else falls in line correctly. Sometimes we carry stress, fear, and regret when God wants to give us peace and joy. We must ask ourselves what or who is consuming our thoughts and actions in life. If we are not waking up with joy and peace, we may have some things out of order. Learn to allow God and His love, mercy, and promises to have center stage and always put God first. #PutGodFirst, #findpeace, #choosejoy, via @KrystalRSimpson
Put God First
We must understand that God desires to give good gifts, but we must put God first. Our possessions cannot become idols or stumbling blocks in our lives. God wants us to seek Him first and be willing to be content without earthly treasures. We should never be so determined to get something in this life that negatively impacts our relationship with God. #putgodfirst, #choosejoy, via @KrystalRSimpson
Do All To The Glory Of God
God’s ultimate calling for each of us is to bring Him glory. Everything was created for God and through God, and no matter what we do, we are to bring Him glory. Glory is defined as high honor and distinction by notable achievements in which the Father can take great pride. There is an easy way to understand God's calling for our lives. Do you wonder what God wants you to do in life? Do you want to know your God-given purpose? ​ ​#Godscalling, #choosejoy, #livejoyfully via @KrystalRSimpson
Seek God
The Bible tells us that pandemics happen, and God lets us know what we are to do when they occur. Learn how to trust God as we navigate this school year. It is time to seek God's presence this school year. He will protect us from dangers seen and unseen when we humble ourselves and pray. He is our Shepherd, and we are His children. Let's pray for teachers, staff, administrators, students, and caregivers as we begin this school year. #trustGod, #Schoolyear, #BacktoSchool via @KrystalRSimpson
Repent and Be Baptized Scripture
Understanding the Holy Spirit and His purpose in life is crucial to living a joyful and peaceful Christian life. We know God as our Father, who sent His son, Jesus, but the Holy Spirit is often less understood. The enemy thrives on our confusion because He knows the importance of the Holy Spirit. We need to understand what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit so that we will ask Him into our lives. #HolySpirit, #ledbytheholyspirit, via @KrystalRSimpson
Fruit of The Spirit Verse
Understanding the Holy Spirit and His purpose in life is crucial to living a joyful and peaceful Christian life. We know God as our Father, who sent His son, Jesus, but the Holy Spirit is often less understood. The enemy thrives on our confusion because He knows the importance of the Holy Spirit. We need to understand what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit so that we will ask Him into our lives. #HolySpirit, #ledbytheholyspirit, via @KrystalRSimpson
Put God First Before Addictions
God wants us to run to him at all times, but when dealing with stress, sometimes people mistakenly run away from God. and toward an addictive behavior or substance. Addiction satisfies the flesh, but God calls us to set our minds on things above. God can deliver, heal, and restore us, but we must be willing to ask for His help and work through becoming free. #putgodfirst, #addictions, via @KrystalRSimpson
A Time For Everything
The Bible warns there are seasons that we must go through, but no matter, we run to God and keep Him first. There will be times of joy and pain. When we are happy, we should praise God, and when we're sorrowful, we should pray to God. When we put God first in our lives, everything else falls in line correctly. Sometimes we carry stress, fear, and regret when God wants to give us peace and joy. #putgodfirst, #choosejoy via @KrystalRSimpson
The Holy Spirit Teaches
The Holy Spirit teaches. Understanding the Holy Spirit and His purpose in our life is crucial to living a joyful and peaceful Christian life. We know God as our Father, who sent His son, Jesus, but the Holy Spirit is often less understood. The enemy thrives on our confusion because He knows the importance of the Holy Spirit. We need to understand what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit so that we will ask Him into our lives. #HolySpirit, #ledbytheholyspirit, via @KrystalRSimpson
God is a Help in Trouble
Four Lies From The Enemy About Loneliness| Krystal R Simpson| God is our refuge and help in trouble. He does not want us to believe the lies from the enemy about loneliness. As we experience moments or seasons of solitude, we need to trust God and come to Him in worship and prayer. We must be aware of the enemy's schemes and pay attention to the warning signs so that we can combat it with God's truth. #loneliness, #depression, #trustGod, #choosejoy via @KrystalRSimpson
What Did Jesus Pray in the Garden?
When Jesus went to the cross, the Bible says that he knew what he must do, but it caused agony, so much that he sweat tears of blood. Prophecy stated that the Messiah would be beaten and crucified. Jesus knew all that would happen, and it was troubling, so what did He do? He prayed and trusted God. We should follow his examples. #Prayerchangesvevything, #choosejoy, via @KrystalRSimpson
1 John 1:18 KJV
How do we handle guilt? I believe that God gave me this topic to write about this week because He wants us to understand His view of this critical concept. In essence, we can be guilty, and we can feel guilty. The Bible tells us that we all make mistakes and sin, so we have all been and felt guilty. The enemy wants us to deal negatively with guilt by lying, excusing, or blaming others, but as Christians, we need to know how to handle God's way. #livejoyfully, #choosejoy, via @KrystalRSimpson