Krystal R Simpson Blog Posts

Blog Posts, articles, visual images, prayers, and quotes from my Christian blog site KrystalRSimpson. Each blog post includes a printable prayer to encourage Christian believers to live a faith-filled, joyful life. Blog content is from my blog which focuses on encouraging others to learn to live joyfully, without stress, fear, and regret by learning to trust God with all the details.
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2 Sections
A Prayer During Times of Sorrow and Grief
A Prayer for dealing with sorrow and grief. Feelings of sorrow occur when we lose a loved one due to death, but any loss has the potential to leave us feeling sorrowful. Let's learn how to handle sorrow as a Christian. As Christians, we must make it through our time of sorrow with hope and not despair, and we must be mindful of the enemy's traps. Death and suffering were not part of God's original plan for humanity, He will help us and comfort us. #griefwithhope, #loss via @krystalrsimpson
What Is Temptation and How Do We Overcome It?
The enemy's job is to tempt us persistently. He finds new ways to allure us daily, but his tactics will fall into three main categories. Learn the three categories and how to overcome temptation. If we view life from God's perspective and strive to live obedient lives, we will discover how to experience fulfillment and joy through Him. The enemy seeks to keep us from living the abundant life that Jesus died to give us, so he tries to tempt us to stray away from God. Serve God and resist.
A Prayer To Find Joy and Peace By Putting God First
A prayer to help put God First. When we put God first in our lives, everything else falls in line. Sometimes we carry stress, fear, and regret when God wants to give us peace and joy. We must ask ourselves what or who is consuming our thoughts and actions in life. If we are not waking up with joy and peace, we may have some things out of order. Learn to allow God and His love, mercy, and promises to have center stage and always put God first. #PutGodFirst, #choosejoy, via @KrystalRSimpson
The Gift of Prayer
Prayer gives us the chance to thank God for his gifts, such as my family, friends, and health and strength. Knowing how essential words of gratitude are to me helps me remember that God deserves to hear my thanks too. There are times that everything is not perfect, like occasions when I feel sad, frustrated, or confused. God invites us to access the gift of prayer no matter what. He wants a relationship with me, and He is not a fair-weathered friend. He will be with us through it all.
Overcome Procrastination and Fear This New Year | Krystal R Simpson
As the New Year approaches we may find that there are items we have left undone. Procrastination and fear can easily get the best of us. It feels great to complete projects, but sometimes we struggle to finish. Procrastination and fear can stop us from being blessed in the new year.
Are You Running From God or Towards Him?| Krystal R Simpson
When we are running in a physical state, we understand that we can only travel in one direction at a time. We can go left or right, east or west, north or south, but we can not do both. We can either run towards God or away from Him as He relentlessly pursues us when we run this Christian race.
What Does It Mean To Move Forward With God?
Life is so full of changes, and embracing change is not always easy. To truly walk with God, we must be willing to grow and evolve, but sometimes it is hard to let go of the familiarity of the past. We must be ready to move forward with God so that He can help us reach our divine purpose and abundant joy. Despite the enemy and fear that try to hold us back, we must be willing to trust God and get moving when He wants us to move forward. via@KrystalRSimpson
Do You Know How To Correctly Pray Like Jesus Taught? Use This Simple Technique When You Pray
Do you know how to correctly pray like Jesus taught? Try this simple technique when you pray. An acronym to help pray with all of the parts of the Lord's prayer. Post includes a sample everyday prayer to help. The enemy will try to convince us that prayer it to hard to do correctly, but this is simply not true. If we want to know how to pray correctly, then we should look to the Bible. Jesus demonstrated to us what to pray for, who to pray for, and when to pray. via @KrystalRSimpson
Let's Pray This Simple Prayer For Forgiveness and Salvation
Do you know how to pray and ask for forgiveness and salvation? We should judge ourselves. No one has to tell us to pray. The enemy wants us to wait but don't. God is forgiving, and He wants to help us in every area. We are not all promised a long life on this earth, and we do not know when our time will come to an end, but eternity with God awaits if we start with this step now. The post includes a simple prayer. #simpson, #choosejoy, #pray, via @krystalrsimpson
Do You Know What It Really Means to Trust God?
Do you know what it really means to trust God? Trusting God means more than just being patient. Sometimes God does not answer our prayers the way we expect. As Christians, we often find ourselves saying, “don’t worry, trust God,” and “be patient.” We understand that we must trust God’s timing, so we use this saying as we keep praying, while we wait for God to do what we want. This is not what it really means to trust God. Via @KrystalRSimpson
What Exactly Is The Peace Of God and How Can I Find It?
What is the peace of God? The Bible tells us that we have peace that surpasses understanding, but what exactly is the peace of God, and how can we find it today and every day? When I think of peace, I picture a beach and lazy living. In my mind, I imagine a vacation-like atmosphere, where I do nothing, but is that really what God means? Let's take a closer look at the peace of God and how to obtain it. What exactly is the peace of God, and how can we find it? | via @Krystalrsimpson
Want to Know an Easy Way To Understand God's Calling For Your Life?
We all have a calling from God for our lives. Do you want to know an easy way to understand God's calling for your life? This blog post will help you understand that your calling from God may be different than what you think. via @KrystalRSimpson
How Seeking Acceptance From Others Can Steal Your Joy
In a world where the desire for approval can seem all-consuming, it’s easy to get caught up in seeking validation from others. We must watch out because seeking acceptance from others can steal your joy. Seeking acceptance from others can steal your joy by causing anxiety, depression, and sin. We need God's approval only. via @krystalrsimpson
What Does It Really Mean To Serve God?
What does it really mean to serve God? Are we doing it? Serving God is all-encompassing and not just a task for church, for God, or on a specific day. Serving God means to follow Jesus, who teaches us to love, pray to our Father, and serve others. To live God's way, we must pray for help because God's ways are contrary to the world's. While the world teaches us to be selfish and greedy, God teaches us to share and serve. We serve God and others with our actions, resources, and love.
A Simple Prayer For Increased Faith
Have you learned how to have faith in God's word? If there is one thing that 2020 taught us, it is that life can be unpredictable. No one expected a pandemic. Nobody expected church, school, or work closings. I am sure that I am not the only one who felt caught off-guard by all the unexpected changes. We must remember that God is still in control even when we feel off-kilter. We must learn how to have faith in God's Word at all times. #faith,# #faithinGodsWord, via @KrystalRSimpson