Bible Verse

Beautifully portrayed Bible Verses will be pinned here. These scriptures will be saved to encourage memorizing the Holy Bible and images can also be used for inspiration, encouragement, and possibly wall art ideas suitable for Christian believers. Positive and inspiring Bible verses that are published online in my bible study lessons are shared here.
462 Pins
2 Corinthians 5:21NKJV
How do we handle guilt? I believe that God gave me this topic to write about this week because He wants us to understand His view of this critical concept. In essence, we can be guilty, and we can feel guilty. The Bible tells us that we all make mistakes and sin, so we have all been and felt guilty. The enemy wants us to deal negatively with guilt by lying, excusing, or blaming others, but as Christians, we need to know how to handle God's way. #livejoyfully, #choosejoy, via @KrystalRSimpson
Bible Verse about Approaching God
How do we as Christians approach our Holy God this school year? Learn how to trust God as we navigate this school year. It is time to seek God's presence this school year. He will protect us from dangers seen and unseen when we humble ourselves and pray. He is our Shepherd, and we are His children. Let's pray for teachers, staff, administrators, students, and caregivers as we begin this school year. #trustGod, #Schoolyear, #BacktoSchool via @KrystalRSimpson
What Scripture Says About Pandemics
The Bible tells us that pandemics happen, and God lets us know what we are to do when they occur. Learn how to trust God as we navigate this school year. It is time to seek God's presence this school year. He will protect us from dangers seen and unseen when we humble ourselves and pray. He is our Shepherd, and we are His children. Let's pray for teachers, staff, administrators, students, and caregivers as we begin this school year. #trustGod, #Schoolyear, #BacktoSchool via @KrystalRSimpson
Man Can Not Live On Bread Alone
Jesus showed us how to battle the enemy with the Word of God. He did this when the enemy came to him in the wilderness after Jesus had been fasting. The enemy knew that Jesus was hungry, so he tempted Jesus to command the stones to become bread. Have you learned how to have faith in God's word? Life can be unpredictable. No one expected a pandemic. Nobody expected church, school, or work closings. We must learn how to have faith in God's Word at all times. #faith, via @KrystalRSimpson
Chosen By God Scripture
For most people in the Bible, the Scripture records that they had weaknesses, but God used them anyway. God’s glory reveals itself when what seemed impossible became possible through faith and obedience in Him. Your purpose as a believer is to build the Kingdom of God. Your role in His Kingdom will require your natural gifts and talents, but God will develop you, and He will reveal your calling in his timing. Be Blessed and Choose Joy via @KrystalRSimpson
Serve Others With Your Gifts
We all have gifts that God has blessed us with. Don't hide your gift, but share your gift to serve others. Someone else can be blessed. Have you ever wondered what God's calling you to do in life? Do you hear people talk about being "called" and want to know your real God-given purpose? Maybe you wonder whether you are working in the right job, living in the proper city, or pursuing your life's right path. #Godscalling, #choosejoy, #livejoyfully via @KrystalRSimpson
The Bible tells us that pandemics happen, and God lets us know what we are to do when they occur. Learn how to trust God as we navigate this school year. It is time to seek God's presence this school year. He will protect us from dangers seen and unseen when we humble ourselves and pray. He is our Shepherd, and we are His children. Let's pray for teachers, staff, administrators, students, and caregivers as we begin this school year. #trustGod, #Schoolyear, #BacktoSchool via @KrystalRSimpson
Luke 3:22 ESV
Understanding the Holy Spirit and His purpose in life is crucial to living a joyful and peaceful Christian life. We know God as our Father, who sent His son, Jesus, but the Holy Spirit is often less understood. The enemy thrives on our confusion because He knows the importance of the Holy Spirit. We need to understand what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit so that we will ask Him into our lives. #HolySpirit, #ledbytheholyspirit, via @KrystalRSimpson
God's Thoughts and Ways are Higher
Reaching a breaking point sounds negative and causes us to think of being at the end of our rope with our backs against the wall. Our faith as Christians reminds us that no matter what we face, we should turn to God. No matter what we go through, our response is always to pray first. Most of us pray to God only after we feel a cumulative effect of difficulties or when we feel sustained pressures. The Bible is full of stories about breaking points. via @KrystalRSimpson #livejoyfully
Stay Focused
When we are on the right track and because we are so close to our breakthrough, the enemy will cause us to lose focus. Looking around at others, to compare ourselves to others can lead to us becoming judgmental, and God does not want us to do that. The enemy will cause us to notice others’ flaws while we ignore our weaknesses. We have to resist focusing on anyone else but ourselves. The only one we want to be like is Jesus.| 7 Steps To Lasting Change As a Christian via @Krystalrsimpson
Be Not Conformed To This World.
Change requires more than just the motivation to do something differently. Dare to be different. Don't settle for what this wolrd offers. There are seven steps to creating a lasting change as a Christian. One step requires us to renew our way of thinking. Regardless of whether we want to change a bad habit like break an addiction or create a healthier lifestyle like getting in shape, as a Christian, change starts with prayer and ends with patience. Lasting change is possible with faith.
The Power Of a Name
A good name is better than riches. We often forget the power of a name. Has God changed your name? Our Heavenly Father wants to call us "forgiven" and "Christian," but one day, God wants to give each of us a distinct new name. Regardless of our birth name, nickname, or label that man gives, God wants each of us to be His children. He wants to provide us with a new identity and set our lives and destiny on a much better trajectory. #livejoyfully via @KrystalRSimpson
The Peace Of God
Four Lies From the Enemy About Loneliness| Krystal R Simpson| A Bible verse to help us find peace when loneliness attacks your heart and mind.God does not want us to believe the lies from the enemy about loneliness. As we go through life and experience moments or seasons of solitude, we need to trust God and come to Him in worship and prayer. #loneliness, #depression, #trustGod, #choosejoy via @KrystalRSimpson
Become New
It's time to become new. Allow God to change your name. He wants to call us "forgiven" and "Christian," but one day, God wants to give each of us a distinct new name. Regardless of our birth name, nickname, or label that man gives, God wants each of us to be His children. He wants to provide us with a new identity and set our lives and destiny on a much better trajectory. He offers joy and a name change to each of us. #namechange, #Christian, #livejoyfully via @KrystalRSimpson
God Changed Jacob's Name
Has God changed your name? Our Heavenly Father wants to call us "forgiven" and "Christian," but one day, God wants to give each of us a distinct new name. Regardless of our birth name, nickname, or label that man gives, God wants each of us to be His children. He wants to provide us with a new identity and set our lives and destiny on a much better trajectory. He offers joy and a name change to each of us. #namechange, #Christian, #livejoyfully via @KrystalRSimpson