
16 Pins
Uborka hagymával, ez egy valódi finomság a téli hónapokra, ha eleged van a csemegeuborkából! - Egyszerű Gyors Receptek
Polenta Cakes with Chili-Garlic Sauce | Vegan Heritage Press
Polenta Cakes with Chili-Garlic Sauce from The Lusty Vegan by Ayinde Howell and Zoe Eisenberg
Rezept für 4 schnelle & herzhafte Aufstriche - perfekt zum Grillen [Kräuter/Knoblauch/Lachs/Paprika-Feta]
Brotaufstrich mit Knoblauch, Kräuter und Zitrone, Lachscreme und Paprika-Feta-Creme
Top 12 Flavored Butter Recipes | KetoDiet Blog
Top 12 Sweet & Savory Flavored Butter Recipes (low-carb, keto, primal) from Martina at KetoDiet #healthylowcarb #healthy #lowcarb
Soft Pretzel Bites with Beer Cheese Dip
Soft and chewy homemade pretzel bites that are salty and airy with a cheddar beer cheese dip. You guys! I have fantastic news! I got a Kitchen Aid mixer for Christmas! I actually cried tears of joy I was so happy to see it. It’s a gorgeous purple-ish, plum color and it looks so perfect...Read More »
Große Liebe: Zimtknoten. Oder wie sie in Norwegen sagen: Kanelknuter. Zum Knutschen köstlich! (Lykkelig)
Große Liebe: Zimtknoten. Oder wie sie in Norwegen sagen: Kanelknuter. Zum Knutschen köstlich! (via )
Traditional Greek Pita Bread.
Traditional Greek Pita Bread-this was super easy to make and soooo yummy! Great blog too.
Sweet and Spicy Sriracha Bacon Chicken Bites
This is the time of the year when everyone is looking for awesome appetizer recipes. These Sweet and Spicy Sriracha Bacon Chicken Bites are delicious and easy to make.
How To Make a Cheese Platter For Entertaining
My tips and tricks for how to make a great cheese platter for entertaining. | healthy recipe ideas @xhealthyrecipex |