
130 Pins
{Littles Learning} Ocean Week
{Littles Learning} Ocean Week - Easy DIY ocean bottles for 2 year olds and up!
sea project using hair gel and bag | Under the sea pocket aquarium Ziplock bag with blue hair gel and fish ...
18 Magnifiques bricolages pour enfants! 18 Créatures de la mer à bricoler!
18 Magnifiques bricolages pour enfants! 18 Créatures de la mer à bricoler! - Brico enfant - Trucs et Bricolages
Lass dein Kind den/die Künstler(in) sein mit diesen 7 do-it-yourself Ideen mit Farbe! - DIY Bastelideen:
DIY Ocean Waves. Not just for kids because I love this too - very calming like the meditation jars here.
Ocean slime recipe
Love slime? You'll love this simple slime recipe using borax. This sparkling ocean slime recipe is perfect for summer fun and summer activities for kids!
Shark Sensory Bottle | Stir The Wonder
Make a Shark Sensory Bottle for an amazing, mess free sensory experience for kids of all ages! It makes a great calm down bottle too!
Sand and Water Ocean Sensory Bin
This sand and water ocean sensory bin is a fun way for kids to play and learn about the ocean habitat this summer! It's the perfect activity to celebrate the release of Finding Dory!
Faschingskostüme für Kinder selber machen - 33 Ideen für Kinderkostüm
Krake-Kostüm zum Selbermachen-lustige Faschingskostüme für Kinder
Galerie 2013
Kinderschminken bei der preisgekrönten Facepainterin und Instruktorin. Farbenverkauf: eine exklusive Auswahl professioneller Schminkfarben und Zubehör. Kurse!!!