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#dollshouse #handmade #handcrafted #woodwork #miniatures #modernminiatures #moderndollshouse
It's always a delight (and a surprise) discovering new makers to follow. If you've yet to discover the talented @cosydollhouse then do yourself a favour and head over for a peek.... it's good doll's house stuff! X Steph. . . . . . . #dollhouse #dollhouseminiatures #dollhousemaker #dollshouseminiatures #dollshousereno #moderndollshousereno #dollshouse
Mishcon de Reya. It's business. But it's personal.
Matton reconstructed the room in which Paul Bowles died, as well as Freud’s study, with his personal art collection displayed exactly as it would have been on his desk in 1910, lit by the wintry sun of a February afternoon.
小世界が入った箱をのぞきこむと「現実そっくり」 Charles Matton:DDN JAPAN
小世界が入った箱をのぞきこむと「現実そっくり」 Charles Matton:DDN JAPAN
Greenleaf Spring Fling 2013- Loblolly Westcott House detail shots
alter Kopfhörer an Fleischspieß geklebt und mit Silberfarbe und "Rost"-braun bemalt = prima Dusche
Miniature Dwellings Suspended Inside Test Tubes by Rosa de Jong — Colossal
New Miniature Dwellings Suspended Inside Test Tubes by Rosa de Jong