
884 Pins
A beautiful demonstration at the filming of @dwaynespots on faceted teabowls 🍵😍 #porcelain #teabowl #contemporaryart #contemporarycraft #contemporaryceramics #clay #pottery #woodfiredpottery #woodfiredceramics #wheelthrownpottery #processvideo #ceramicprocess #pottersofinstagram #atmosphericpottery #thrownandaltered #tea #wabisabi #teawares #teawareaddict #teaware #tealover #matcha #chawan #makingpottery #throwingpots #clayprocess
We’re in the process of using our bowl profile rib to craft a complete set of bowls for our dish set project! You can find more details about the rib we’re using on our website ✨✨ . . . 🏷️ #pottery #ceramicstudio #potteryofinsta #potterylife #potterystudio #ceramic #ceramicart #clay #clayartist #potter #ceramicist #clayart #instapotter #potteryofinstagram #wheelthrownpottery #wheelthrown #potterytools #claytools
Pottery Bliss | Handmade Pottery & Ceramics | Nice video by @duongducmui that shows us how to center clay on the girelle.! 🌀 #repost #lebol #lebolpoterie #leblogdubol #lebolformation... | Instagram