
szépek :)
129 Pins
Francesinha Diagonal com Flores Mais unhas decoradas em: www.jullienailart.tk Diagonal French Manicure + Flowers More nail art tutorials at: www.jullienailart.tk - manicure
Blümchen Muster
Violetta Ter-AkopovaMoscowNAIL ARTЧемпионка Москвы,Чехии,Греции,Германии,Франции Обучение и выездные семинары:WhatsApp/Viber+79853895151
Summer Nail Art
This is very similar to the #nailart currently on both of my big toes (color in the center of the flowers on mine is hot pink) and I love it. So cute!
#nail art,nail-painted#
Ногти - Маникюр
Маникюр | Видео уроки | Art Simple Nail Mehr
Uñas de Acrilico, Gel, Porcelana, Decoración de Pies, mas de 5000 diseños
30 Diseños de uñas super lindos | Decoración de Uñas - Manicura y Nail Art