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How Do I Stop My Dog from Itching? | Keep the Tail Wagging
It's never fun to have an itchy dog. Fleas, dry skin, food sensitivities, or health issues, whatever the cause, here are few ideas to bring your dog relief.
Weird Flaky Skin Issue
Hi everybody, not sure if this is in the right place. I searched this topic and read many of the threads already out there but can't help but post this anyway. I'm hoping some of you may have seen this before and can give me some advice. Anyway here are his stats... Age: 2 years Food: Blue...
7 Dog Chakras: The Full Guide to Energetically Clearing Pet Stress and Anxiety | YoCanine
dog charkra, how to heal your dog's chakra, dog chakras, animals chakras There’s many ways to improve your dog’s health but here’s one you may have not thought of: Chakra healing.
Ted's Borax & Peroxide Mange Treatment for Dogs
Mange is a serious parasitic skin condition caused by tiny mites that bury beneath the skin. Ted's borax solution has been curing dogs of mange for over 15 years and is considered safe and effective for Demodectic and Sarcoptic Mange.
Coconut Oil for Dogs
Family Friendly Critter Gitter Safe for Puppies & Kittens, Dogs & Cats Environmentally Safe/Non-Toxic I use a 10 oz squirt bottle for kitty bath. Be sure to rub it into her neck, forehead, nose & toes. Then you can let her run around the house or bathroom, as long as the mix stays 5 minutes before rinsing. I just let Kalliope wander around the house & set a timer. To rinse her off I sat her in the sink and ran warm water until the water rinsed clear. Towel dried her in my lap. After she got ove
Natural Flea Treatment for Dogs
I have an 8 pound Pomeranian who is hyper-sensitive to fleas. We recently moved into a new-to-us home that was obviously a home to fleas. Here is the recipe that helped us and other things we learned on the way.
Natural FLEA & TICK dogs have not had fleas all summer and I only used this spray once!!
How To Kill Fleas With Lemon Juice
If you find fleas in your home the cause is most likely from your pet bring them in from outside. The first reaction when finding fleas in your pet's fur may be to give your pet a flea bath using special flea shampoo. However, you can also use a home remedy that includes lemon juice. Lemon juice when mixed with water is a natural deterrent for...
20 Natural Home Remedies for Cats and Dogs
21 Natural Remedies For Pets That Will Make Your Pet Feel Healthy Again Without The Need To Visit Vet | DIY Beauty Fashion