Oil painting

Pig Painting Original Impressionistic Oil Painting of a Sweet | Etsy
Pig painting, Original impressionistic oil painting of a sweet little piggy chomping on hay. 6x6" on panel, pig artwork, pigs by LaveryART on Etsy
Animal Paintings
The coolest animals you'll see all day. Hang up these oil paintings to add a little whimsy to your home! Check them out for more.
Morning Pig by Cari Humphry
Morning Pig Painting by Cari Humphry - Morning Pig Fine Art Prints and Posters for Sale
This item is unavailable - Etsy
RESERVED FOR CANDICE Spotty the Pig Original by ChatterBoxArt, $100.00
Cow Painting, 6x6 Inch Original Oil Painting of a Cow, Cow Portrait, Cow Art, Farm Animal Art - Etsy
Cow Painting 6x6 inch original oil painting of a Cow by Andrea Lavery available www.etsy.com/shop/LaveryART
THis may not have been painted in Texas, but it looks exactly like my Grandparents place. So beautiful. By E. Lamasure, c. 1910
NameBright - Coming Soon
Spring-Cascades A beautiful Chinese landscape painting. More info @Abigail Phillips Regan Truax://www.chinatraveldesigner.com/travel-guide/china/culture/paintings/painting-themes/chinese-landscape-paintings.htm