Oguri Shun

Shun Oguri; born: 26 December 1982; Japanese actor and film director
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画像・写真 | 小栗旬、松坂桃李らが「着物」グラビア! 人気俳優12人が男の色気で“悩殺” 1枚目
#Japan #kimono
#oguri #shun He is my first JAPANESE actor that I fall in love with..
Stefy's Ramblings
Oguri Shun with a Matsujun hair style!!! SQUEE!!!
tokyo husbands
Oguri Shun
Drama Queen
Oguri Shun in Hana Yori Dango -- that's so true when I think about it, lol.
Oguri Shun Fashion looking super "European" here - @KromeRadio