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Recycled Newspaper and Cardboard Firefly Lamp ✨ We made these firefly lamps with recycled materials, and the glow they give off is so beautiful! One of my favorite parts about summer is the fireflies that light up our yard. Now Rose and Mae can join in with the firefly fun with their own firefly lanterns! To make the firefly, I cut out an oval of cardboard and an oval of copy paper that was the same size. I hot glued a strip of paper between the cardboard and the copy paper, leaving the top...
Windspiel aus Laminierfolie selber machen | DIY Garten Sommer
Mit Laminierfolie und Wasserfarbe kannst du schnell und einfach deine Sommer-Deko für Garten oder Balkon selber machen. Die Anleitung und noch mehr Ideen für farbenfrohe Windspiele jetzt im Betzold Blog >